Chapter 15: Drifting Home

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General POV

Yokosuka, Japan a massive port home to Sakura Academy which trained Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Commanders to become the best they can be, direct competitors to Azur they were known for strict regulations and deep loyalty second only to Reich.

In the Admiral's office however a man draped in shadows heard a phone ring and picked it up.

???: "Hello?" he greeted.

Admiral Emily: "Baka, it's me." she said.

Admiral Baka: "Ah, Emily, to what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked.

Admiral Emily: "I'm calling to make sure my Niece and my top student are going to be treated fairly." she growled, clearly not wanting to make conversation.

Admiral Baka: "Oh do not worry Emily, they shall be treated with the utmost respect and generosity." he promised..

Admiral Emily: "Tch, if I find even a single scratch on Andy when he comes back I am going to kill you." she threatened, hanging up.

The other Admiral hung up at this before swiveling around to peer out his window at the arriving super fleet before leaving his office.

In the harbor the combined fleets of Ady, Andy, Hiroshi, and Rex had reached their destination having had a mostly uneventful trip.

Ady Gil: "Ah...home sweet home." she sighed, "It's so good to be back."

Andy: "I can imagine, this place looks beautiful." he said, waiting just outside the mouth of the harbor.

Rex: "You said it." he agreed, pulling into his berth.

As Andy waited he noticed a the IJN Musashi awaiting them, presumably the Admiral's secretary.

Harbor Master: "Steve Irwin, you are cleared to dock, make your way into berth 12 next to Ady Gil and Shonan Maru." he said, a very noticeable Japanese accent in his talk, "Welcome to Yokosuka."

Andy: "Clear to berth 12, thanks for the welcome, out." he said, sailing in.

As he did a group of kids on a field trip, all roughly 11-12 years old clamored towards the railings and waved, recognizing him from the internet as a hero, one of them a dirty blonde haired male holding what looked like a Nintendo Switch pumped his fist up in the air and started pulling down on an invisible chord, deciding to be nice Andy blew his horn a few times as he was guided into his berth. On the docks the 4 Commanders met with the Yamato Class Battleship.

Hiroshi: "Hello Musashi-Senpai." he greeted.

Musashi: "Hello children," she greeted, "the Admiral has asked to talk to your friend here, you 3 can go, no classes until further notice, for everyone."

Musashi walked off, leaving no time for questions as the trio of Sakurans grabbed their bags confused.

Ady Gil: "Good luck Andy." she said, hauling her luggage, "I'll leave a bunk open near me."

Andy nodded in thanks with a smile before walking away to the Admiral's office.

A few minutes later Andy was allowed into Admiral Baka's office and recoiled in disgust the room was unkempt, dim, greasy, smelled of fast food, had only a single window which was always covered with blinds, and had another disgusting scent lingering in the air, what it was no one really knew sans his fleet of Destroyers, Nagato, Mutsu, and Amagi who were oddly tight lipped about it.

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