Chapter 17: Drifting Home Pt 3

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General POV

In the ruins of Muntinlupa we see Marga running on the city rooftops performing parkour tricks to keep her speed up and make her jumps as long as possible. She was sweating hard and panting like crazy, looking over her shoulder as Purifier chased her down.

Marga: "Leave me alone!" she yelled at the Siren.

Purifier: "Not a chance girlie.~" she sang, "After you showed up on those cameras Alpha insisted I capture ya dead or alive for Tester's next experiment.~"

Marga continued running knowing that getting caught was a good way to get herself killed but Purifier could fly and had much better stamina so very quickly Marga was cornered.

Marga: "Shit!" she cursed, feeling the slowly heating barrels of Purifier's guns pressing against the back of her head.

Purifier: "Come quietly and I won't have to shoot.~" she sang.

Marga: "And if I refuse?" she asked.

Purifier: "I pull the trigger and you'll have to experience the pain of being revived.~" she sang in reply.

Reluctantly Marga raised her hands in surrender and allowed Purifier to bring her in.

Cutting away from that, the Irwin, the Barker, and the Apartment continued sailing in the rain, demoralized by the day before. Juri being out cold hit Andy and Reina the hardest, Reina because Juri was her best friend, Andy because he couldn't save the kid from getting hurt.

Currently Juri was out cold in the room, Andy, having done what little he could to help Juri, was on his ship guiding the way through the pitch black.

Steve Irwin: 'Andy, if you're done beating yourself up about Juri, I'm here to remind you there was nothing you could've realistically done.' she sighed.

Andy: "I know hun..." he replied, "Doesn't make me feel ant better about one of the kids getting hurt..."

Steve Irwin: 'Your 'must save everyone' attitude is really annoying to deal with sometimes y'know.' she said, 'Which makes me just that much more lovesick towards you.'

Andy blushed at this and focused on sailing forwards.

Andy: "So...why does your ship feel a little...unpleasant to drive?" he asked.

Steve Irwin: 'What do you mean?' she asked.

Andy: "I mean you feel heavier somehow and more sluggish to maneuver." he explained, "Last I checked even at full capacity you never handled this badly."

Steve Irwin: "Hm...I'll tell ya later hun.~" she sang, teasingly.

Andy: "I don't like that..." he said, nervously.

Steve Irwin: "But hey, that extra bulk added another few things you might like.~" she teased.

Andy blushed even more as his teenage mind filled his head with some very lewd ideas which Irwin was undoubtedly about to comment on when they overheard Kosuke and Natsume talking on the balcony.

Natsume: "-Gosh, you were always like a little brother when we were younger, whenever you were sulking Grandpa Yasuji always bought you something." she ranted.

Kosuke: "Hey..." he said, trying to grab her attention.

Natsume: "I could never be lie you Kosuke-?!" she continued.

Kosuke: "Hey!" he yelled, finally grabbing her attention, "You...sound kind of fake."

Natsume: "Huh? What?" she questioned.

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