Chapter 19: Commence Operation

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General POV

In the Siren FOB Terminator II was thrown against a wall by a very angry Observer A.

Observer A: "What in the world were you thinking you little shit?!" she demanded.

Terminator II: "I was fulfilling my purpose," she replied, "take in the target known as 'Andy' dead or alive."

Tester B: "What part about 'do not kill, injure at most' did you not understand?!" she yelled, incredulously, "The most you were allowed to do was break his nose maybe, show him that he's not invincible!"

Terminator II: "Well I'm sorry you gave such vague parameters." she yelled back.

Suddenly Terminator started glitching out as Marga continued fighting for control, only for Observer to press a button which stunned Marga's soul and kept her at bay.

Observer A: "How far are you into the deletion process?" she sighed.

Terminator II: "It's barely started." she replied, "She keeps resisting."

Tester B: "Obviously." she sassily said, "You have to fight her to delete her, now there will be a patrol in a few days through the entire region, kill any rebels on sight."

Terminator II: "Yes ma'am." she said, "Am I dismissed?"

Observer A: "Yes." she replied, getting off her.

Terminator scoffed and walked away into the darkness which creates a seamless transition to Andy who was strapped to an operating table in a new outfit, his hoodie's right sleeve had been cut off to more freely access his arm, being given an adaptor to keep his new arm attached with the ability to be taken off easily, 3 scientists were there making sure his body was gonna accept the arm properly.

Andy: "So, this isn't gonna hurt, is it?" he asked.

Scientist 1: "Oh don't worry, this will be painless." she replied, pulling the arm out of its case.

Andy eyed the new limb, it reminded him a lot of medieval Pouldrons and Gloves except much more modern with a matte white and black livery and the area that would be guarding the shoulder emblazoned with the Azur High logo, a big blue anchor.

Scientist 2: "Yup, just relax and get ready to test her out." he added, grabbing the arm.

With Admiral Emily and Lieutenant Dave they were with the 3rd Scientist who was preparing the targets and sandbag.

Lieutenant Dave: "Is it really not gonna hurt?" he asked.

Scientist 3: "Oh, no we just tell that to the patient, it's gonna hurt like a bitch." she replied.

Lieutenant Dave: "Thought so." he chuckled.

Cut to Andy who just barely heard them and was about to receive the arm.

Andy: "Wha-?!" he started.

Suddenly a group of nanobots shot out of the arm and started digging into Andy's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain as the tiny robots dug in and connected to his nervous system. As it did the arm started changing color, its matte white livery started changing to mimic the Irwin's camouflage scheme with the Azur High logo being replaced with the Sea Shepherd logo and the back of the palm receiving a bright white number 77. Finally the pain died down and Andy panted for breath.

Andy: "Painless...huh...?" he chuckled, breathless.

Scientist 3: "It's the only way patients don't squirm too much." he admitted.

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