Chapter 34(Multiversal Arc): First sortie of 2027[1/4]

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Azur Base

January 1, 2027

0800 hours

On the first morning of the new year, Andy would wake up relatively early in his dorm. At first, he didn't recognize the place, but after his mind had a minute to wake up, he remembered where he was and what had happened last night and looked to his left, seeing Luna cuddling into his arm. Chuckling at the sight, Andy leaned in and pecked Luna on her forehead before hugging her smaller frame close to his.

Antonio Luna: "Morning Kumander." she purred.

Andy: "Morning Luna, how was your sleep?" he asked.

Antonio Luna: "Better with you." she replied, nuzzling into his side.

Andy: "Alright then," he chuckled, "c'mon, rise and shine."

Antonio Luna: "No!" she shouted, hugging his arm tighter, "5 more minutes!"

Andy: "Ok, as adorable as you look hun, we need to start the day." he chuckled, pinching his secretary ship's cheek playfully.

Antonio Luna: "No...!" she pouted.

Andy: "Fine, 5 more minutes, then we have to go start the day." he allowed.

Luna's features immediately brightened as Andy fell back into bed, allowing the Frigate to cuddle the Patrol Ship's frame better. The Captain smiled at his Secretary and hugged her back as his peacetime communicator began ringing.

Andy: "Answer call." he ordered.

A holographic image of Admiral Emily flashed into being, revealing her to be in her office signing off on some papers.

Admiral Emily: "Morning Andy," she greeted, not looking up from her documents, "just wanted you to know that Admiral Johnson wants to see you, something about a sortie to rescue some people from Crimea."

Andy: "Alright, thanks for the heads up mom." he smiled, "I'll be there in a bit. Luna's not letting me up."

Admiral Emily: "What do you mean-?" she started, finally looking up, "Ah, I see."

Andy: "Yeah, tell him I'll be there in a minute." he said, Luna flushing in embarrassment beside him.

Admiral Emily: "Alright, thankfully, now that you are a Captain, should you and your ship approve, you can be married and get a little frisky under the sheets." she teased.

Andy: "Mom..." he whined in mock embarrassment.

Admiral Emily: "Alright, I won't waste anymore of your time, see ya." she said, hanging up.

Andy: "Well, you heard my mom, let's go." he said, finally leaving the bed.

Antonio Luna: "Fine..." she pouted, slumping back into the bed.

Andy finally got up and stretched before making his way to the bathroom to freshen up and put on his new uniform.

Azur Base, Briefing Room 1

0806 hours

Admiral Johnson, 3 Ukrainian Officials, and 3 Turkish Officials stood around a holographic projector that had been imbedded in the floor. They were conversing calmly about a map of the Bosporus Strait which separated the Black Sea from the rest of the Mediterranean when Andy teleported in, halting all further argument.

Admiral Johnson: "Captain Yan, good to finally see you up and about." he greeted, slightly annoyed.

Andy: "Morning Admiral," he saluted, "I apologize for my tardiness."

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