Chapter 12(Kansen Arc Finale): Big Reveal

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General POV

It was the day after Andy kicked Rex's ass into next year, Saturday, so as usual the games were allowed to begin. There were now a lot more ships to play with so the game area was extended to end somewhere past the Japanese Staging Area for the Pearl Harbor attacks. As for the bad guy...well....

Andy: " we can agree I'm not gonna be the bad guy for a while, right?" he asked.

Azur Commander 2: "Yes, we can agree on that." he replied.

Royal Commander 4: "Well who shall we chase around then?" she asked.

Hiroshi: "Sure as hell not us." he scoffed, "We're a little tired with being chased."

Northern Commander 3: "You comrades would be too slow anyways." he replied.

Reich Commander 3: "Ja, ve can agree und that much." he said.

Just to be clear, the Alaskan Fishing Fleet members were part of the Reich fleets, the Tugs were part of the Royal fleet, and Northern High had the Tuna boats.

Before an argument on who would be appropriate to be the bad guy a whistle sounded off in the distance as Alex appeared on board Belle.

Alex: "Alright you bickering pussies, if you're done bickering, I have a solution." he yelled, grabbing everyone's attention, "Belle here is volunteering to be the bad guy today, so if you'll allow it, she'll be chased."

The fleets collectively looked at each other...before the Sakurans burst out laughing.

Hiroshi: "You?" he laughed, "You're a meak, wooden, paddle steamer, nothing compared to even the tiny Steve Irwin over there!"

Andy: "I take offense to that.....he's right but still!" he yelled.

Belle: "I can hit 14 knots!" she yelled back, "Which is faster than almost all of you!"

Azur Commander 3: "Not by much sweetheart!" he yelled.

Ady Gil: "Even then, you'd have a Whaling Fleet, a tiny trimaran able to hit 30 knots, and a Patrol Boat." she listed off, "And we're all made of metal, 5 of us are Ice Class vessels, and you're mostly wood, one hit in the wrong place and it's bye bye."

Rex: "But if you insist." he cut in, "I need something to beat up."

Belle grinned, Alex had upgraded her with retractable weapons and better engines...I'm not gonna question how but now Belle can theoretically hit 24 knots, the only things faster are Irwin's small boats, her helicopter, Ady, and Ady's jetski....well technically Irwin also had a jetski and a few fixed wing drones but still.

The group was a little skeptical but the officials allowed it, being in on Alex's ploy, as the sirens rang giving Belle a head start...immediately they noted the discrepancy.

Royal Commander 1: "She's going awfully quick." he noted.

Rex: "Yeah....too damn quick, even the Shonan wouldn't be there for another minute!" he yelled.

Reich Commander 6: "Looks like our friend Alex has deceived us." she said.

Northern Commander 4: "After him!" she yelled.

And so, the chase began, the chasers revved up and roared out of the harbor in hot pursuit, Andy launched the Delta, the Gemini, and the new speedboat named the Humber all 3 were rated for at least 30 knots in rough seas, the helicopter also roared into the air to help coordinate.

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