Chapter 32(Semi-Finale): Death to the King

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Middle of Nowhere, Caribbean Ocean

1700 Hours

Andy was casually sailing at around 6 knots just off the port side of a massive Humpback Whale Mega Pod heading South for the Winter. Said whales peacefully welcoming the conservation ship into their formation when it didn't open fire on them. 

Andy: "This is nice." he smiled, bobbing up and down on the waves. 

One of the young calves surfaced for air and turned on its side to look at its metal-skinned friend. As it did, Andy noticed and gave a friendly toot of his horn, the calf reciprocating the toot with a shrill, happy whistle. As the ship continued sailing alongside the whale pod, his RADAR pinged something. 

Andy: "Hm...must be a Merchant Fleet..." he decided, continuing on his way...only for 2 more pings to sound off, both sailing in a V formation with the first one, "Ok, that's not good." 

Deciding to be cautious, Andy sent out a signal over Radio. 

'Possible Enemies, engaging off coast of North Carolina, 300 miles' 

With that sent, Andy made a hard turn to Port to intercept the 3 pings. 

Whaling Fleet, roughly 90 miles off Andy's port bow

Yushin Maru's 1, 2, and 3 were hunting for whales off the Eastern Seaboard of what would become the United States of America. So far, they hadn't found anything, so they progressively moved further and further inland, breaking and reforming their formation as they moved their hunting grounds. 

Yushin Maru 2: "I'm bored!" she moaned. 

Yushin Maru 3: "Tell us something we don't know." he groaned, shooting at a flock of Seagulls with his 18 inch main gun. 

Yushin Maru 1: "Can it, the both of you." he growled, asserting dominance as the oldest sibling, "3, you need to conserve your ammunition for when we actually need it. It was a goddamn miracle your meat form was able to snag anything from that supply depot." 

Yushin Maru 3: "Yeah yeah, I know." he groaned, his gun falling flat on his deck for the time being.

Yushin 1 rolled his eyes as his little brother continued becoming more and more brash. But before he could continue reprimanding, all 3 ships received a single ping on their RADAR. 

Yushin Maru 2: "The heck is that?" she asked. 

Yushin Maru 1: "A Sloop or a merchant perhaps." he replied. 

Yushin Maru 3: "No...that's the Steve Irwin." he growled, his bow up in the air, "I can sense it." 

Yushin Maru 1: "How?" he asked, "For all we know that's just a lone merchant." 

Yushin Maru 3: "We're too far from the shipping lanes for that to be the case, and no other ships are nearby." he said, checking his charts. 

Yushin Maru 2: "Well whatever it is, it's turning at us!" she yelled. 

Sure enough, the blip seemed to change course and begin charging at them. Now Yushin 1 had a decision, if he chose to disengage and retreat, they could be missing out on a very profitable pod of whales; on the other hand if he ordered they charge in, they could run head first into something that could murder them. 

Yushin Maru 3: "Brother, what are your orders?" he asked, loading his gun. 

Yushin Maru 2: "C'mon bro, let's fight her!" she added, eagerly. 

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