Chapter 23: Failed Termination

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General POV

The screen opens to a peaceful morning in the occupied City of Manila, with local Flora and Fauna beginning their days around the Urban Jungle. All was peaceful and all was still...other than a single task force of 3 Siren patrolling the streets.

It had been 2 Months since the complete and total loss of Terminator II which hadn't surprised the Empress in the slightest, annoyed and frustrated she doubled all patrols of the occupied Philippine Islands, one of these patrols was the infamous trio.

Purifier: "Ugh! This is so booorrring!!" she whined, "Can't we go toy with the prisoners...?"

Observer A: "I already told you, the Empress is counting on us to stomp out the threat posed by the target Tester's mistake was meant to fix." she snarled, glaring at Tester.

Tester B: "It is not my fault that Terminator's host was this mentally strong." she harrumphed.

Observer A: "Sure." she tisked, "Just great...when we die next our heads are going to be on a silver platter and it'll be your fault."

Tester simply looked away from Observer.

Tester B: "When we find that blasted patrol ship, I won't feel sorry when he deletes you from existence." she said, floating further down the road.

Alpha sniffled at this, not knowing Tester didn't mean it.

Observer A: "F-fine!" she yelled, slowing down and splitting the group up.

Purifier: "Hey! Guys, we're supposed to be a team!" she yelled.

Neither Observer nor Tester replied as their friend group split up.

Meanwhile, in the Human FOB, Andy was getting readied to go out on a mission with Arizona going with him. It was just going to be a routine scout mission to Search and Destroy any Sirens he could and push the frontline in Humanity's favor. Said FOB was an old Government Building down Roxas Boulevard.

Andy: "Ready to go Ari?" he asked.

Arizona: "Yup!~" she replied, cheerfully.

Andy: "Good to see someone's happy today." he chuckled.

Arizona: "Missouri and Friedreich have been really fun today, no idea why though." she giggled.

Steve Irwin: 'She's just so fucking cute!~' she said.

Andy: "Yeah, that she is." he said.

Arizona: "Well, let's go then Commander." she sang.

Arizona engaged her riggings and raced into the abandoned city, Andy chuckled and engaged his riggings, chasing the Standard Class Battleship into the abandoned city. They roared through the flooded streets, keeping each other company as they effortlessly glided through the city at high speeds.

Arizona: "Ah...~ Y'know Commander, if the situation was different, I'd say you'd just taken me on a date." she giggled.

Andy: "Really? All we did was sightsee and joke around a bit." he replied, modestly.

Arizona: "And how different is that from a date?~" she asked, pushing herself against him teasingly.

Andy: "U-um..." he blushed.

Both kansen were still moving forward but as Arizona was about to make another move Andy saw the familiar shape of Observer Alpha, Tester Beta, and Purifier floating and aiming. Upon seeing them Andy grabbed Arizona and wheeled her around, shielding her as the trio opened fire and slammed into Andy's back, causing him to scream out in pain, the bombs and rockets in his hangar going off like fireworks as the plasma melted into his riggings and set his back ablaze.

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