Lucy Bronze x Reader (19)

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Her scowl remained. "How dare you compare our feelings."

That wide grin spread across Lucy's face and she laughed, genuinely amused. "Oh, my love. Let's go get that frustration out so you're not grumpy for our third date, hm?"

She was right, of course. She bent down, pulling YFN's legs around her waist and lifted her from the table. "Lucia, your knee! Put me down."

"Not a chance. Hang on my little grump, I'll have you happy again in no time." She was still chuckling as she carried her to the bedroom.

After the orgasms came the rest of the day. They finished breakfast, flirting with each other across the table and moved onto packing. Lucy had told Jordan that they'd be arriving after dark and they made some secret plans for dinner, though Lucy made sure YFN knew no information beyond that.

After they'd packed their things and double checked the house, they were in the car and Lucy was handing her a blindfold. She was confused but put it on regardless.

"Going all out for our third date, are we?"

Lucy hummed. "It's more because I enjoy surprising you. And it's giving me ideas, to be fair. You look good blindfolded."

She wished she could see Lucy's face because she knew there was a flirty look on it. She poked towards her face and found that grin spread wide. "Don't get any funny ideas. Also, you won't get much ransom for me."

Lucy leaned in and breathed in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She bit her earlobe. "Because you're priceless."

She sang along to the music as Lucy drove, playing with her free hand to keep her entertained. They weren't driving for long before they stopped.

"We're here?"

"No, little one. I'll be back in five minutes. I need you to keep that blindfold on, okay?" She surprised her with a kiss on the lips before she left and YFN heard the doors lock.

She was as patient as she could be, almost falling asleep from her physical activities over the past 12 hours. As she drifted in that little space between being awake and being asleep, the boot opened suddenly, and Lucy let her know who it was as she fiddled around a little. Then she was back in the car, and they were driving again.

"We're here." Lucy said as she stopped, putting the car in park and turning it off. "Any guesses?"

"Oh I know exactly where we are."


"Barcelona. I knew you gave up our fight too easy. Argh, I should have seen this coming."

Lucy chuckled reached over to stroke her cheek. "Oh, I wish. Tell me love, what did you want for our third date?"

"To do quite literally anything with you."

"Other than that.. be honest. How've you been feeling lately?"

"A bit tired and stressed with the driving and the packing, unpacking, and this." She gestured to her head. The black eye was now fading, and she'd cleaned her stitches that morning, replacing the bandage to a smaller one.

Lucy hummed. "So, what do you feel like you need?"

YFN thought. She hoped she wouldn't say she was expecting something completely different to what Lucy had planned because truthfully, she just wanted to spend time with her.

She turned her cheek into Lucy's palm, holding it to her face and enjoying the touch. 13 days. "I want to relax, spend time with you, laugh, eat food, read a book. Just... be. No driving or craziness."

Sunsets and footballersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora