Chapter 115 - Decoy: Toy's Secret Revealed!

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"Little people?" I heard Law's tired voice, making me release a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"While you're at it, tell me how they snuck into the underground port." Doflamingo wasn't smiling anymore. He bit his thumb, "But why did they decide to target Sugar?"

'So they did make it in! Maybe Franky was a distraction... and- Sugar?'

"I can't figure out their motivations or how they arrived at this plan, but they're doing a good job at pissing me off." He spoke, the anger evident in his voice, "At this point, it's looking like more than a simple coincidence. That's not good."

Law stayed silent.

"Because that would mean they know about this kingdom's dark secret," Doflamingo said.

Glancing over at Law, I don't know if his eye was hurt or something but I had to try not to laugh when he looked completely uninterested. I peeked as Baby 5 hit him in the back of the head, "Don't just sit there! The young master's speaking to you, Law!"

He glared at her, and she swiftly went crying to Buffalo, quiet tears streaming down her face. Buffalo scolded her, but everyone got silent when Law spoke, "I already told you. I don't have anything to do with them anymore. Our alliance ended."


"Whatever they're doing out there, it's none of my business."  [Law]

'Oh, he's... tring to protect us...'

My mind had a twinge of guilt, realizing we couldn't be on Green Bit to protect or at least help him.

Doflamingo smiled, "I honestly can't tell if you're trying to fool me or not. It's hard to believe, but maybe you're as clueless as you say. They looked at each other for a moment, before Doflamingo sat back, smiling, "A pity Violet isn't here. She could see right through you if you were lying. By the way..."

Doflamingo let his head fall in the direction of the old man against the wall and asked him a question. Everyone turned to him, but I moved my head up and looked at Law.

I sniffed my nose, and he glanced, his eyes widening in slight shock. With as much of my finger as I could lift, I pushed the finger to my lips, then mouthed the word 'Info'. He nodded, and I heard the old man speak, lolling my head forward to pretend I was asleep, so I could keep my eyes open. However, doing so hurt me, and I had to take deep breaths and pursed my lips so blood wouldn't escape my lips.

The man called King Riku glared at Doflamingo, "The Tontatta were rather fond of you if I recall."

"Sir, there was a report that you were on the first floor, sir." A man behind Doflamingo spoke.

"Huh? What're you talking about?" [Doflamingo]

"Maybe it was someone who looks like you!" Buffalo gave a nervous chuckle, "No biggie, right?"

"Who the hell looks like me?" he said shortly, "Something's going on..."

'He does have a point... is there someone I know who can turn into others? ...Not off the top of my head... well- Buffalo said 'Looks' like him, so maybe it's ...Kin'emon? He was named over the speakers. That... actually makes sense... Props for Kin'emon if I'm right!'

Doflamingo picked up the phone, and it rang for just a moment before someone answered. Doflamingo didn't wait for a greeting, "Hey, Trebol. Bring Sugar to the palace and make it quick!"

The very congested man on the other side of the phone laughed, "Take it easy, Doffy! They tried to pull something, but I've got it all under control now!" He drew his words out an annoying amount.

I quietly tsked.

'That means if Usopp is the only one who got into the factory, with Franky as cover, he must have been captured, and these "Little People"--the Tontatta, were they?-- They must have been defeated or captured as well...'

"I'm fine, young master," a little girl's tired voice also came through, "The enemy's barely even conscious anymore. Why don't you take this poisonous grape of yours back?" The girl spoke again, I'm assuming to Usopp, "Drop dead, will you?"

'What a vulgar child...'

Suddenly, Usopp's scream rang through the room from the transponder snail... and Sugar's shortly after, but Doflamingo cut the phone short.

Suddenly, as if I was hit on the head, my memory came back. My eyes widened and I gasped quietly.

'How could I possibly forget Robin was with Usopp?! And why did that happen when 'Sugar' passed out?!'

I paused, trying to still seem asleep.

'Sugar must have some control over this, but the question is... what happened to make me forget?'

I thought a little more as the snail range, this time Doflamingo answering it, hearing Trebol once again, "DOFFY! I'M SORRY! I GOOFED! I GOOFED REAL BAD!"

I slowly sat my head up as Buffalo yelled across Doflamingo, "Trebol, tone it down!"

"Did something happen to Sugar?" he asked, a grin on his face as he continued to look at Law.

"She-She-She passed out!" Trebol cried, "She got scared and passed out!"

Doflamingo's smile faded as he heard the words come from the snail. He turned to the snail, his smile now a scowl, sounding the most mad I've heard him, "This supposed to be some kind of joke?!"

"The slaves we've been collecting for a whole ten years are turning back to normal! The Hobby-Hobby Fruit powers are wearing off!"

'Slaves?! Wait... does that mean...'

'Now I've almost got everything figured out...'

"Hey look! There, at the Coliseum!" Buffalo yelled, and everyone's head in the room went to the monitor, including mine.

'I hope this was part of their plan...'

The toys in the bleachers were turning back to humans. Doflamingo hurriedly stood up and rushed over to the monitor. I could hear the voices of many transponder snails behind me, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Now that I know what Usopp and Robin intended to do with the Tontatta, I know for sure that Doflamingo underestimated us terribly.

"Young master?!" Buffalo cried as Doflamingo threw open one of the windows and looked outside. Golden sparkles were flooding the skies, which must be an effect of the Hobby Hobby fruit.

Even I could hear the angered yells of the citizens. Doflamingo was clenching his teeth, beside himself with rage. He was practically growling, putting a hand to his head. No one was near him right now, they were all behind us trying to send out orders for everyone calling. Law had his eyes glued on Doflamingo, as did I. I sat up slightly, causing some pain, but I was used to most of it at this point.

Before I could say something, someone came hopping through the room, straight towards Doflamingo, who had already headed towards the opposite door.

'Wait... I recognize him! He's... the man in the statue from the coliseum!'

"It's you!" Doflamingo gasped, seemingly frazzled. King Riku on the floor cried out, "Kyros, my boy!"

 Kyros jumped, a long sword prepared to slice at Doflamingo, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting these 10 long years, King Riku! But now I'm here to save you!" he yelled.

I watched in shock as the blade cut directly through Doflamingo's neck. The head toppled down to the floor with an eerie thud. 

'I know this Kyros guy won 3000 matches, but he just beheaded one of the strongest Seven Warlords of the Sea!'

(A/N: I hope everyone enjoys their time off of work and school and just enjoys some well-deserved me time!💕)

Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Various One piece]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora