Mystic Falls

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An irritated look was on my face as my eyes glanced between both Sam and Dean, "You can't be serious."

"Sorry, 'Em, but you have to." Dean says, forcing a smile onto his face.

I scoffed, as my eyes shifted over to Sam, "Sam, please, help me get out of this."

"Sorry, Emma, but there's a bunch of unexplainable animal attacks happening here." Sam states, "There's a high school, and you have to attend it."

I scoffed, slamming my hands on the front seat, "The animal attacks are Vampires, boom! There! Problem solved!-"

"Well, obviously these attacks are Vampire's, but we don't know who the Vampire's are." Dean states, rolling his eyes, "It'll be easy to track them down, considering that they'll only be active at night, so you won't be in there for long."

I groaned in annoyance, as I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry, Ems, but you didn't graduate last year." He replies, shaking his head. His smile never faded, "You have to redo your senior year."

My eyes widened a bit, "I didn't even get a chance to graduate last year." I exclaimed, making his smile grow wider. My green eyes started to glance between my brothers. I started to lean against the front seat of the Impala, as Dean drove down the road, "But, I don't have to attend-"

"Yes, you do, Emma." The both of them said, in unison.

Dean's green eyes glanced back at me, "You'll be attending Mystic Fall for about a week, maybe less depending how fast we can find this Vamp."

I didn't say anything, I just glared at my brothers.

Dean glanced back at me in the rearview mirror, "Don't look at me like that, Emma Taylor."

I huffed, "Well, I can't go to class today, because I have to get registered." I quickly spoke, forcing a smile onto my face. I then heard Sam chuckle nervously, "Yeah, about that, Emma." He turns around and looks at me, "I already registered you into Mystic Falls last night."

My eyes widened a bit, "What?"

He nods, his smile not fading, "Yeah, they had a place on their website where you can register online. I did it right before we left the motel."

An annoyed look came over me. I once again, rolled my eyes and slammed myself into the backseat.

I pulled out my earbuds and started to listen to music, so I didn't have to talk or hear any of my brothers.

Sam had found multiple mysterious animal attacks happening in a town called Mystic Falls. Obviously, these attacks were Vampire's, but the citizens of Mystic Falls didn't know that.

Sam hasn't really been himself ever since the first hunt back with him.

He's been mourning over Jess, and he's been quieter than what he was before. 

He's been desperate to hunt down the Demon that killed Jess and mom. He was now on board to help dad, Dean, and I find the Demon.

As Bowling for Soup's cover of Stacy's Mom ran through my ears, Dean soon pulled the Impala up in front of a high school.

The high school I would have to attend.

Dean pulled the Impala into the parking spot, and turned the car off.

I pulled out one of my ear buds, as Dean and Sam turned to look at me, "You ready?"

I sighed and nodded, "I guess."

"I'm sorry, Em." Sam says, with a bit of a sad look on his face, "It won't be for long."

I nodded, grabbing my backpack that I normally use for school. This is a bag that I have notebooks, pencils, and folders. I took a breath, "Yeah, whatever." I opened the car door, and climbed out of the car.

[Book 1] The Vampire's Hunter ~ SPN/TVD/TWWhere stories live. Discover now