Chapter 20

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PetalPaw was walking along the Shadowclan border with a patrol consisting of GooseLunge, a senior warrior, and MoonCreek, a medicine cat. Suddenly, GooseLunge and MoonCreek said they needed to check something quickly, and PetalPaw decided to wait for them to return. As she waited, she heard a rustle in the bushes just over the border. 

A sleek black cat with light blue eyes emerged from the bushes and looked around suspiciously. PetalPaw watched as the strange cat approached the border and took a few steps over it, but quickly backed away and ran off after spotting GooseLunge and MoonCreek returning. "We're back!" GooseLunge said, and PetalPaw nodded. "You okay?" MoonCreek asked, noticing PetalPaw's worried face. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," she replied, but her mind was racing with questions about the strange cat. Who was she? What did she want? Why did she cross the border?

That night, PetalPaw couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the mysterious cat she had seen earlier. She wondered if the cat was an enemy of Thunderclan or Shadowclan, or if she was simply lost. PetalPaw's thoughts kept her up all night, and she didn't get any sleep.


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