Chapter 10

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( CHAPPIE 10!!!)

Petalkit was feeling butterflies in her stomach with excitement! The next day was going to be a turning point in her life as she was going to be officially appointed as an apprentice. She was playing with two of her closest friends, Tigerkit and Redkit, in the lush green meadow. They were having a great time, chasing each other and playing tag.

Suddenly, Redkit's face lit up with excitement as she told her friends that she was going to ask Iceflower, the current medicine cat if she could become the medicine cat's apprentice. Petalkit was proud of her friend's ambition and encouraged her to pursue her dreams. Tigerkit too was supportive and wished Redkit good luck.

As Redkit bounded off towards Iceflower's den, Petalkit felt a sense of pride and admiration for her friend's determination. She knew that becoming a medicine cat was a challenging path, but she did not doubt that Redkit would succeed. With that, Petalkit bid her farewell, wishing her all the best.

Petalkit and Tigerkit were having a playful time, running around and pouncing on each other. They chased each other, tumbling and rolling around on the ground. Blossomflight, their queen, called out to them, "Kits! Come and eat!" The two playful kits immediately ran over to Blossomflight. 

Petalkit approached the fresh kill pile and picked up a plump mouse by its tail, feeling satisfied with her choice. She sat down next to Tigerkit and began to eat. Tigerkit, on the other hand, had chosen a small bird that was lying nearby that he began to eat. The two kits enjoyed their meal, savouring the taste of fresh prey.

As they finished eating, Redkit, their friend, came bounding over with an overjoyed look on her face. "Iceflower said yes!" she exclaimed joyfully. Petalkit's face lit up with pride for her friend. "That's amazing news!" she said, feeling happy for Redkit. The three kits continued to play and chase each other, enjoying their time in the warm sunshine. Petalkit couldn't wait for tomorrow knowing that she would become an apprentice with her friends!

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