Chapter 4

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( Chappie 4! 👁️👄👁️👍)

Petalkit opened her eyes and stretched her tiny legs, feeling refreshed and energized after a peaceful sleep in the nursery. She lay on her back for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should tell Iceflower, the wise medicine cat, about  Firestar. She had been thinking about it for a while now, but she was still hesitant. She wondered if it was the right thing to do or if it would get her into trouble. As she pondered, she heard Redkit's voice calling out to her from outside the nursery, "Petalkit! Iceflower want to see you!" She quickly got up, smoothing out her fluffy fur with her tongue, and headed to meet Iceflower. The small, fluffy Petalkit was strolling along the winding path leading to Iceflower's den, lost in her own thoughts. As she approached the entrance, a soft voice interrupted her reverie. "Oh, hello Petalkit!" It was Iceflower, the elder medicine cat of the clan. "Can you please do me a favour and gather some catmint for me? It's not too far from the camp."

Petalkit's ears perked up as she eagerly nodded in agreement. "Of course I can help!" she exclaimed. She wondered if she could make the task easier by asking Mallownose to accompany her. "Maybe Mallownose could come with me to make it quicker," she suggested, hoping to get the job done efficiently. Petalkit approached Mallownose with a spring in her step, eager to ask for his help. She greeted him with a friendly smile, and he reciprocated warmly. "Hi Petalkit!" he said. "It's great to see you. What can I do for you today?"

Petalkit took a deep breath before making her request. "I was just wondering if you would be willing to help me find some catmint. Iceflower asked me to collect some, and I don't want to go alone." She looked up at Mallownose with hopeful eyes, hoping he would agree to accompany her on the task.Mallownose's expression softened, and he nodded in agreement. "Of course, Petalkit. I'd be happy to help you. Let's go find that catmint together." He gestured for her to follow him, and they set off on their mission, chatting happily as they went.

As Mallownose and Petalkit arrived at a small stream near their camp, they set out to search for catmint. The two cats began to explore the area, sniffing around the bushes and rocks to find any signs of the plant. After a few minutes, Petalkit discovered a small clump of catmint on the side of the stream. She carefully picked it up and held it in between her teeth. Mallownose had also found another small clump, and together they headed back to camp.

Upon their arrival, Iceflower greeted them warmly and thanked them for finding the catmint. She was treating Bumblestrike, who had scratched his paw on some brambles. Iceflower took the catmint from Mallownose and Petalkit, and the two cats left her den. Petalkit asked if she could speak with Iceflower later, and Iceflower agreed.

As Petalkit left the den, she felt a sense of relief that Bumblestrike was being taken care of. She began to look for her friends, feeling happy that they had been successful in finding the catmint. Petalkit soon found her friends and shared the good news with them. Together, they bounded off into the woods, excited to explore and play.

( That's the end! 👁️👄👁️👍)

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