Chapter 9

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Petalkit was still bothered after Pinestar's death and did not attend the half-moon meeting. However, she was eagerly anticipating becoming an apprentice at the next moon. It was a day after Bloodfang's sudden betrayal and Pinestar's death. Twigstar was the new leader and Hollyfern had become the deputy. Petalkit did not fully comprehend the situation until Iceflower explained it all to her, leaving her in shock. 

She vowed to seek revenge on Bloodfang someday. Petalkit was still bothered after Pinestar's death and did not attend the half-moon meeting. However, she was eagerly anticipating becoming an apprentice at the next moon. 

Petalkit was eager to explore the world beyond the camp. She approached Twigstar, the new leader, to ask for permission to venture out. "Good day, Twigstar," Petalkit greeted the leader politely. "May I ask for your permission to take a walk outside the camp?"

Twigstar was happy to see the young kit's enthusiasm for exploration. "Of course, Petalkit," Twigstar responded warmly. "But make sure you don't go too far. We don't want to lose you."

Petalkit was overjoyed at the prospect of exploring the area outside the camp. "Thank you, Twigstar! I'll be careful, I promise!" she exclaimed. Twigstar smiled at Petalkit's excitement and warned her not to tell her mother about the walk.

Petalkit set off for her walk, her heart pounding with excitement. She followed the gentle stream that flowed near the camp, taking in the sights and sounds of the forest. The rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the gurgling of the stream filled her senses. She felt free and alive and vowed to explore more of the world beyond the camp with Twigstar's permission.

Petalkit had been taking a nap in the forest after a long walk around ThunderClan's territory when she saw Firestar again. This time, he was accompanied by a cat she had never seen before, who introduced himself as Brackenstar, Firestar's son in StarClan. Petalkit was fascinated to meet another StarClan cat and greeted him warmly.

As they started talking, Brackenstar interrupted their conversation and delivered a cryptic message to Petalkit. He warned her that when Dawn and Dusk arrive, blood will run and the tear must be sealed. Petalkit was confused by Brackenstar's words and asked for clarification, but before she could get an answer, Brackenstar and Firestar disappeared.

Petalkit was left alone with her thoughts, trying to make sense of Brackenstar's message. She wondered what it could mean and how it related to her and ThunderClan. Was there a threat looming on the horizon? She was determined to find out and keep her clan safe.

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