Chapter 2

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( Enjoy! ❤️)

( The picture is not mine👁️👄👁️)

Petalkit opened her eyes and let out a big yawn. It was morning and the next moon meeting was scheduled for that day. Petalkit was too young to join the meeting, but she was starting her training soon. She was currently 5 moons old and would turn 6 moons old during the next moon, at which point she would become an apprentice. She was extremely excited about this and couldn't wait for the day to arrive! Petalkit looked over at her siblings, who were playing with a ball of moss, and Redkit shouted at her to join them. Petalkit shook off the leaves that were in her fur and ran over to join her friends.

A few hours later, Petalkit and Tigerkit were racing each other across the camp. Normally, Tigerkit was faster than Petalkit, but this time, Petalkit won. "Wow! Well done Petalkit!" Mallownose exclaimed from the warriors' den. Petalkit felt jealous as Mallownose had just become a warrior. Meanwhile, Hollyfern came out of the medicine cat den looking excited. "Bumblestripe!" she called out to her mate. "Yes?" Bumblestripe replied as he emerged from the warriors' den. "Guess what?" Hollyfern said, her eyes sparkling. "What?" Bumblestripe asked. "I'm pregnant!" Hollyfern announced. "Really?!" Bumblestripe exclaimed. "Yes!" Hollyfern confirmed. Suddenly, Pinestar spoke from behind Petalkit. "Such wonderful news, isn't it?" Pinestar asked. "Huh- oh yes!" Petalkit replied. Pinestar then headed off to find Twigleap. Petalkit paused for a moment, wondering if she would ever get a mate and have kits. She certainly hoped so!

Petalkit lay on her back, basking in the sun and watching fluffy white clouds drift by. Hollyfern then asked Petalkit if she wanted to help her and Mooncreek find moss for the elder's den. Petalkit was honoured to be asked by a warrior for help and followed Hollyfern back to where Mooncreek was waiting. "Right then! Let's get going! Usually, kits aren't allowed out of camp but the clump of moss we found is really close by!" Hollyfern said, leading the small group to the moss patch she found. As they walked, Hollyfern asked Petalkit if she was looking forward to becoming an apprentice, to which Petalkit replied with a resounding "yes!".

Upon arriving at the moss patch, Hollyfern instructed Petalkit to grab as much moss as she could from the right side of the log while Mooncreek took the left. After they collected the moss, they returned to camp, and Hollyfern thanked Petalkit for her help and told her to get something from the fresh kill pile. Petalkit walked over to the pile and took a small mouse, leaving the larger ones for the warriors and apprentices who needed more food than she did.

After playing with her siblings some more Petalkit went to the elder den and went inside, " Ah! Young Petalkit! What brings you here today?" Beetleye asked the young cat, " Can you tell me the story about the great leader Firestar again?" Petalkit asked, " Again? Well of course my dear!" Beetleye said, " Well many many many moons ago...

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