Chapter 13

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( CHAPPIE 13!!!!!!!!)

Petalpaw woke up to the sun shining through the den and the sound of birds chirping in the air. She felt a rush of excitement, knowing today was the day she would go to the Moonpool with Iceflower. She quickly got out of her den and looked around, spotting her mentor, Twigstar, waiting for her by the fresh-kill pile. Petalpaw walked up to her with a beaming smile and said, "Good morning!" 

Twigstar smiled back and responded, "Good morning Petalpaw! Are you ready for today?" Petalpaw eagerly nodded her head in response. "Great! But before we go, we'll practice some hunting skills," Twigstar said, leading Petalpaw to the edge of the camp. 

Petalpaw listened intently as Twigstar explained the basics of hunting techniques, including how to stalk prey, approach it without being detected, and how make a successful kill. Petalpaw practised under Twigstar's watchful eye and was thrilled when she was able to catch her first vole. She felt confident and capable, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Petalpaw had completed her training and eagerly set out to find Redpaw. She soon spotted her in the company of Iceflower and walked over to join them. Iceflower, who had been tending to some nearby herbs, turned to Redpaw and asked if she knew about Poppy. It was then that Redpaw chimed in, explaining that Poppy was used for easing pain. Iceflower nodded, pleased with Redpaw's knowledge, and added that it was an important herb for any medicine cat to know.

As they chatted, Iceflower suddenly announced that they would be visiting the moonpool for the first time that day. Redpaw's eyes lit up with excitement, and she began jumping around in anticipation. Petalpaw, who had never been to the moonpool before, felt a thrill of nervous excitement run through her. She knew that the moonpool was a sacred place, and the thought of visiting it for the first time filled her with a sense of awe and wonder.

Here is what Hollyfern looks like:

Here is what Hollyfern looks like:

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