Chapter 19

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As the next full moon meeting approached, PetalPaw began to feel uneasy. It would be her first meeting as an apprentice, and she was anxious about making mistakes. She had been preparing herself for the meeting, but the more it approached, the more nervous she became. PetalPaw had heard stories about the full moon meeting and all the ceremonies that took place, and she hoped she wouldn't mess up anything.

However, she was glad that she was no longer the youngest cat in ThunderClan, thanks to the arrival of new kits. When she was a kit, she had been one of the youngest, and she remembered how exciting it was to have new companions. PetalPaw looked forward to becoming a warrior and teaching one of the kits someday. She imagined herself being a mentor, passing on her skills and knowledge to the next generation of ThunderClan warriors. Unfortunately, she would have to wait five more moons to become one.

RedPaw was fortunate enough to have seen the kits immediately, but it also meant she had to assist with SnowBerry's delivery. PetalPaw and TigerPaw found it amusing and laughed about it. They were glad to see RedPaw take on a more significant role in the Clan, and they knew that she would make a great medicine cat one day.

When PineStar approached PetalPaw, she became a little nervous. PineStar was the leader of ThunderClan, and PetalPaw respected her greatly. Pinestar said she was going to attend the next full moon meeting, and PetalPaw eagerly nodded. Although she was happy to go, she was still nervous and hoped everything would run smoothly. She didn't want to disappoint PineStar or any of her clanmates.

PetalPaw padded lightly as she made her way through the camp, looking for RedPaw and TigerPaw, hoping they would join her in her adventure. As she approached them, she noticed MoonCreek was limping, having twisted her paw. PetalPaw expressed concern and greeted her. MoonCreek winced in pain, but she managed to smile at PetalPaw.

Just then, IceFlower emerged from her den, her bright white fur gleaming. She was the medicine cat of ThunderClan, and she had a kind and gentle demeanour. She noticed MoonCreek's injury and offered her assistance. "Oh dear, come in, MoonCreek. Let me help you," IceFlower said kindly as she assisted MoonCreek towards the medicine den.

RedPaw asked if PetalPaw was going to the meeting. PetalPaw nodded, excited. She asked if TigerPaw was going, and RedPaw confirmed it. PetalPaw felt embarrassed to share why she asked. She had hoped that TigerPaw would be there to support her, especially since it was her first full moon meeting as an apprentice. She knew that TigerPaw was her best friend, and she could always count on him.

PetalPaw felt a mix of emotions as she thought about the full moon meeting. She was excited to see the other clans, to hear the stories, and to witness the ceremonies. She was also worried about making mistakes, about not being ready for the tasks that lay ahead. However, she was determined to do her best, to represent ThunderClan with pride and honour. She knew that she had the support of her clanmates, her mentor, and her friends, and that gave her the strength to face any challenge that came her way.

As the day of the full moon meeting arrived, PetalPaw woke up early and immediately began to prepare herself. She washed her fur, sharpened her claws and made sure her paws were clean. She looked in the mirror and felt satisfied with how she looked. She was ready to attend her first full moon meeting, " Come on PetalPaw! Let's go!" Her mother, BlossomFlight said and PetalPaw nodded following her to where the other Thunderclan warriors and apprentices were going to wait.

As she made her way to the meeting place, PetalPaw felt her nerves start to kick in. She took deep breaths and reminded herself that she was prepared and had the support of her clanmates. She arrived at the meeting place and saw that the other clans had already arrived.

She saw familiar faces and greeted them with a nod. She also saw some new faces, and she wondered which clan they belonged to. She noticed that the other cats seemed nervous too, and she realized that she was not alone.

As the moon rose high in the sky, the leaders of each clan stepped forward. The leader of ThunderClan, PineStar, spoke first and welcomed the other clans. She then introduced PetalPaw as the newest apprentice of ThunderClan and all of her siblings and friends. PetalPaw felt a little embarrassed as all eyes turned to her, but she stood tall and proud.

As the ceremony began, PetalPaw watched in awe. She saw the leaders each take it in turn to talk about their clan, and how it was going for them. She felt a sense of pride and belonging washed over her as she watched her clanmates participate in the ceremony.

After the ceremony, PetalPaw had the opportunity to speak with cats from other clans. She learned about their customs and traditions and shared stories of her clan. She felt a sense of camaraderie with the other cats, despite their different allegiances.

As the night wore on, PetalPaw began to feel tired. She had been so anxious about the meeting that she had forgotten to eat before she left. She remembered the prey that her clan had brought for the meeting and decided to take a break and have a meal.

As she ate, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around and saw TigerPaw. He had come to check on her and make sure she was doing okay. PetalPaw felt grateful for his friendship and support, " Hey PetalPaw, want to talk?" He asked and she nodded, smiling at him.

As they talked, PetalPaw realized that she had overcome her anxiety and had enjoyed the full moon meeting. She had learned so much and had made new friends. She felt proud to be a member of ThunderClan and looked forward to attending future meetings.

( Yes, there wasn't that much talking but-oh well! I wanted it to be long!"

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