Chapter 7

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( CHAPPIE 7!!!)

Petalkit was walking around the camp, searching for her best friend Redkit when she suddenly saw Firestar appearing right beside her. He looked at her with a determined expression in his eyes and said, "When the time is right, you must meet Dawn at Dusk and Dusk at Dawn!" before vanishing into thin air with a sparkle.

Petalkit was left standing there, feeling confused and puzzled by his cryptic message. She wondered what he meant by it, but before she could ponder further, she heard Iceflower calling out her name.

"Petalkit! The half-moon is in a few moons, and I have decided to let you come," Iceflower said, smiling warmly at the young cat. Petalkit's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. She had never been to the half-moon gathering before, and the fact that she was being invited now was a huge honour.

"But Hollyfern will be there in case of danger," Iceflower added, making sure that Petalkit understood the importance of the gathering.

Petalkit felt a rush of gratitude towards Iceflower and replied, "Really? Oh, thank you so much!"

"No problem, Petalkit. Now, I'll leave you to what you were doing," Iceflower said before walking away, leaving Petalkit feeling thrilled and overjoyed.

Petalkit couldn't wait to share the news with Redkit. She ran off to find her friend, feeling grateful for the opportunity to attend the half-moon gathering and excited to see what it had in store for her.

Redkit was overjoyed by the news that Petalkit had just shared with her. "Really? That's great news, Petalkit!" she exclaimed with a beaming smile. "I'm so happy for you."

After a moment of excitement, Redkit shared her own news with Petalkit. "Also, I've decided that I want to become a medicine cat!" she announced with a sense of determination in her voice.

Petalkit's eyes lit up with pride and admiration for her friend. "That's wonderful, Redkit!" she replied, placing a paw on her friend's shoulder. "I have no doubt that you will make an amazing medicine cat."

Redkit's smile grew even wider at Petalkit's encouragement. "I know!" she exclaimed with a sense of confidence.

The two friends decided to play together for a while. They chased each other around the clearing, practising their hunting and fighting skills. Soon, Whitekit and Tigerkit joined in after hearing a story from Featherstream.

As the sun began to set, the four young cats settled down by the nursery. They shared stories and jokes, enjoying each other's company as the night fell around them. Redkit felt more certain than ever that she was meant to become a medicine cat, and she couldn't wait to start her training. Petalkit was also looking forward to becoming a warrior one day, just like Mallownose!

( Chappie 7 doneeeee! There is gonna be a time skip to the next moon next chapter!!)

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