Chapter 8

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( Chappie 8!!!!!!!)

Petalkit was preparing for the medicine cat meeting when she heard a sudden yowl of pain. She quickly rushed outside and discovered Pinestar lying on the ground with Bloodfang standing menacingly over him. Bloodfang snarled and hastily fled the scene as the other clanmates reacted with hisses, gasps, and growls.

Iceflower emerged from her den and was surprised to see Pinestar lying on the ground, motionless. "Pinestar what happened?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear. As she approached Pinestar, she gasped in shock, realizing that he had used up all of his nine lives. "Pinestar! No! That was his last life!" she cried out in despair.

Blossomflight, who had heard the commotion, came out of the nursery and saw Petalkit outside. "Petalkit, come inside!" she said urgently, scooping the kit up and bringing her back into the safety of the den. "Mommy?" Petalkit asked, looking up at Blossomflight with big, innocent eyes.

"Yes, dear?" Blossomflight replied, trying to keep her voice calm for the kit's sake.

"Is Pinestar gone?" Petalkit asked, her little voice quivering.

"Unfortunately, yes," Blossomflight said, sighing heavily. "But don't worry, the Clan will be in good paws. Twigleap will be the new leader."

Petalkit looked up at her mother with a mixture of confusion and sadness, not fully understanding what had happened. "Now, rest for a while," Blossomflight said, tucking Petalkit into her nest and giving her a gentle lick on the forehead. She then hurried out of the nursery, her thoughts on the future of the Clan and the challenges that lay ahead.

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