"Thank you Urbosa, thats very kind of you" he says, Urbosa looks a lot more made up now but I think thats because she's making herself look presentable

"Urbosa can I have a word?" My Father says and she follows him into the kitchen

"Wouldn't it be funny if she climbed out the window now" Link jokes and I laugh at him shaking my head slightly

"I love you" I say kissing his cheek before cuddling up to him

"I love you too mon ange" he says kissing my head

"What in the world is going on here?" Tay asks as Riju skips into the house

"Hey Zelda, Hi Link" she says coming over to us

"Where have you been?" I ask her before looking up at Tay

"Mum asked me to take her out because of Mr Ordon here" she says looking at him "I'll get the first aid kit" she says and I nod

"So what did you get up to?" I ask her

"We went shopping, Tay said she needed some retail therapy" Riju says rolling her eyes "what happened to you?" Riju asks Link, sometimes Riju has no filter at all

"Fight" he simply says "which you should never do" he adds

"Nice save" I say taking the first aid kit from Tay "I think we should do this somewhere else" I say, I love Ri but she likes to know whats happening so when I'm trying to clean up Link's face and she's asking questions it can be distracting

"Okay" he says as I lead him upstairs just as Urbosa and Father walk out of the kitchen

"Where are you going?" Father asks as Urbosa fixes her hair

"to fix links face" I say and Father looks at Link,

"No, your staying down here" he says and I sigh

"Fine, we'll do it in the kitchen now it's not being occupied" I say taking Link's hand and leading him into the kitchen "sit" I tell him as I shut the door

"Why you worried I'll climb out the window?" He asks

"Am I ever going to live that down?" I ask and he shakes his head

"I need to have better access to your face so sit" I say and he obeys

I get a disinfectant wipe and carefully pull it across his cuts "your so cute when you focus" he says as I attend to his other cuts "you do this cute thing where you bite on your lower lip" he says and I bring my eyes to his before realising that I was biting on my lower lip

"Your eyes are so pretty" I say not able to pull my eyes away from his

"Your eyes are...mesmerising" he says before pulling his eyes down to my lips and encasing them with his

When we pull away I notice that the table cloth was pushed up slightly, we didn't do that and it wasn't like that when I climbed out the window

"Are you decent?" Father asks

"No where having sex right here on the table" I say sarcastically as Father enters, whats the point of asking that question when your just going to enter before the answer is given to you

"When did you become so vulgar?" He asks me and I roll my eyes

"The windows still open if you want to use it" Link whispers to me and I giggle at him

"I see your done attending to Link so we should all gather in the living area" Father says practically forcing us out of the kitchen

"Why are we gathering in the living room?" I ask but he doesn't respond so me and Link walk over there to see for ourselves

"Link may I talk to you?" Father asks and he nods but I stay attached to his side "alone" he says and I shake my head

"You can tell us it together" I say and he sighs

"Fine, Link your suspended" he says and my eyes widen

"WHAT!" I yell "you cant do that!" I say ready to argue for hours with my Father over this

"Well I can, Link started the fight" he says, lighting a fire deep inside of me

"I HATE YOU! He only faught Karson because  Karson said he raped me! You never liked Link! This was just an excuse to get him out of your school!" I yell and he stops me before I could say anything else

"I liked Link when I knew he wasn't sleeping with my daughter!" He yelled back

"At least it was with Link and not Ganondorf!" I yelled back, I would never sleep with that scum but Father doesn't need to know that

"Well ye--" he starts but I cut him off

"You are a horrible father! Making me feel useless making me feel unwanted making me feel like a failure! Well you know what I wish that you died instead of my mum" I say pressing my finger into his chest before walking up the stairs in tears

"Zel are you okay?" Link asks as we enter my room

"No" I whisper before crying into his chest "Why did she have to die!" I cry "WHY DID SHE HAVE TO LEAVE ME!" I yell pain overwhelming my voice, poor Riju this must be so horrible for her to hear

"It's okay" Link whispers caressing me as I cry in his arms "I'm here for you" he says before picking me up and carrying me to my bed

"She's gone Link, 12 years she's been gone" I cry cuddling up to him, as close as I can get

"I bet she had a brilliant life" he says "kind parents, a loving husband and the most amazing daughter ever" he says holding me closer to him

"It's been 12 years" I whisper "so why do I still cry?" I ask him tears still running down my face

"She was you mum, your always going to miss her" he says rubbing my arm "do you want to tell me about her?" He asks and I nod

"She had this beautiful blonde hair that went down to her lower back she had it up most of the time but I loved it when she wore it down and she had the most beautiful blue eyes, just like yours" I say looking up into Link's eyes

"She sounds amazing" he says and I nod

"She truly was an amazing woman, she painted as well and they were always so beautiful but Father threw them all out after she passed" I say looking back down

"This must've been as painful for your Father to go through plus bringing up a little girl who was longing for the comfort of her mother" Link says

"He didn't bring me up though, Urbosa did" I say

"Yes but it must've been hard on your Father I don't know what I would do if I'd lost you" he says hugging me as if he'd never hug me again as I drifted off into a deep sleep

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