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In the library, the man mid twenties seems like searching for interesting book for him to read. His hobby is not reading books but he wanna spend this whole day doing something he never done in his life.

"In the Harem? Pfftrr- why does the title is so embarassing?"

"the cover was so plain and where's the writer name?" he look at the book with smirk on his face

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"the cover was so plain and where's the writer name?" he look at the book with smirk on his face. "Tsk- because I'm so bored I will read you" that person goes to his place and pull the chair in the library. He opened the book slowly just to look the front page without introduction from writer.

"hmm- maybe the writer was so lame" he said and continue reading from the chapter one.

He's spend the whole day just to read the novel to wash away his bored but he seems regretted it instantly when he read the novel until the end.

First of all, all of those names in the world why his name on it? And why he became antagonist? Heck! The same name from this book desperately to charm the girl as main character with his wealth, good looking face and everything just to lure the girl. The girl with lots of men circled her but he still tried to charm that girl. In the end, he become antagonist because he couldn't accepted the girl went away with someone else. In the end, he's dead because of those main character killed him because tried to hurt her.

Yikes! He hate this book.

He just leave that book on the table with regret because spending this whole day just to read that book, he should find another romance book without his name on it! And of course with writer on it! Seems like the writer knew the bad review from him, so they're hide their name from public.

"urgh- I just can't get out of my mind!" he stomped his feet and open google to find that book on the internet.

"tch- there's no one to read that book, of course its couldn't sell on the internet" he just snickered and sat on the bus station.

In the Harem [All x Nanon] /Complete (on Revision) Where stories live. Discover now