55. Is He Persuaded?

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*peeks from a corner*
I know it's late... But it's good. I swear 💀.

So, I present all my sweethearts an angry Ayesha (angry Ayesha brings progress guys, chill!)

We reached the target... This the third update of the year... Guys? We didn't even complete three days! I am not complaining 😭🤍

So, let's try higher but I'll post at 115 chill if we fail to reach 120+ votes and comments till Saturday. ❤️❤️

Enjoy reading 🤍🤍

Third Person.

The Rajvansh were getting over the horrible festival night, but the couple which was showered with troubles was still stuck there, suffering. Not because they were ready to fall apart but because Rehaan Rajvansh knew nothing over his stubborn anger.

Ayesha had been trying her best to get him to talk to her, at this point of time  he could've even walk her like a dog and she wouldn't object if that makes him speak to her. Desperate. She was desperate for her husband.

She badly wanted him to look at her without nothingness in his eyes, just randomly tell her about his whereabouts before leaving or maybe just listen to her without scaring her off but nope. He was known for his stubbornness for a reason.

Rehaan, on the other hand, found it amusing. The amount of attention he was getting was otherworldly, he knew what he was doing and enjoyed that attention he possibly never got before from his wife. He liked the pampering he got.

What amused him more was her lip kisses here and there even if she shivered like a leaf every time their eyes met, maybe her lame excuses to be close to him or maybe the boldness she approaches him with but loses with he looks at her with raised eyebrows.

He descended the stairs and watched his wife glaring at his... Older brother? While Riya hid behind her.

"That's so wrong, bhai." She repeated herself when Dev glared at Riya hiding behind Ayesha

"She again fought with that boy." Dev said frustrated and Ayesha frowned
"He's troubling your daughter. He starts it." She defended Riya and Dev sighed

"Troubling? She kicked him." Dev reasoned and Ayesha crossed her arms around her chest while Jiya enjoyed the show with a cup of coffee

"He ruined her drawing." Ayesha retorted and Armaan looked at the unfolding show with a curious grin as he stood beside Rehaan

"That doesn't give her the right-"
"It does. When the teacher didn't do anything and that idiot ruined her hair afterwards." Ayesha said with finality and glared at the man double her size

"Little one, would you've tolerated your client being violent with the opposition?" Dev used his triumph card and it didn't work as Ayesha glared at him harder

"No, because the judge," she pointed at him referring him as judge, "wouldn't let injustice happen. Unlike you." Ayesha mocked and Dev groaned

"What do you want me to do? Let her hit every boy in her way?" Dev asked and Ayesha gasped highly offended

"You're being horrible! Ridiculous!" She exclaimed hardening her glare
"You don't know your child or what? I just told you she took her complaint to her teacher and then her hair-" Ayesha felt like she'll blast. She loved Riya a little more than Rehaan.

She didn't complete her sentence but forwarded her hand towards Dev's head and ruined his well gelled hair and watched him fume

"What the fuck-" he stepped back while Ayesha smirked, "Dev, language." Jiya chided and Dev sighed

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