38. Her Dilemma.

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It's been days since Rehaan and I had communicated but after that, in the name of conversation we were simply greeting each other.

Why does he do this? If he didn't want to continue this relationship why did he even give that stupid little hope to me?

I lost that little bubbling hope I had in me. How can I think that he would give us a chance? I was stupid to speak my heart out to him, so stupid. Right now he was on the bed pretending to be asleep while I was working on my case.

Frowning I started studying the case I am working on but my eyes kept sneaking glances at him and every time I looked in his direction hoping to see his stiff back relaxed and he finally fell asleep but it never happened.

My heart raced and thoughts about going to him and comforting him invaded my mind but I stayed glued to my place snatching my eyes back.

However, I couldn't help but stare at my feet which were swollen a few days ago, another side effect of menstruation but that wasn't new to me, what was imprinted in my head was his kind gesture of giving me a foot massage even after I was being nothing but rude to him and threw unnecessary tantrums in everything. Not that I didn't resist, it's just that he's stubborn.

He was twisting and turning in a desperate attempt to find sleep and I sighed. Just because his foot massage is due on me. I reminded myself that I was going to comfort him because he did too, nothing less and nothing more.

I slipped into the covers beside him and he peeked his left eye open before closing it again

"Can I hug you?" I asked shifting closer to him and he opened his eyes blinking at me. It was not the first time I am initiating some conversation in the last three days however I stopped seeing how supportively he shut himself down from me. Not the time to envy him

"No." He said and I bit back a curse that was ready to roll out of my voice box. Calmly, deal with him calmly.

"Why?" I asked and he turned his back from me making me realise how bipolar he was. Days ago he had me collected in his arms as if I am the most precious person he has ever got to hold and now he was throwing tantrums

"Please, just one hug." I requested resting my chin on my shoulder and in no time he took me in his arms but his muscles were still taut with the stiffness

"What's wrong?" I asked, caressing his hair and wrapped my other arm around his shoulders holding him close to my chest while his arms around my waist pinned me to his body but the stupid knots formed in my stomach in response to the feeling his head pressed on my chest gave the wrong message to my clit

"Nothing." He muttered and his voice box vibrated against the the valley of my breast and heat pooled between my legs. Not the time to get horny, Ayesha. I reminded myself. And you were angry with him. Noted.

"Lie. You are not relaxed by any means." I continued to play with his hair and he snuggled closer to me

"I am wondering if you leave, what will happen to me." He replied in a slow and tired voice that clenched my heart in an aching grip

"I am here, right now. Why are you stressing about future Rehaan?" I asked and he looked up at me blinking before again hugging me

"I don't know." He mumbled and I kissed him on the crown of his head
"Stop thinking about it." My voice was soft and low while my fingers kept lulling him to sleep

Minutes later he completely relaxed in my hold while his breathing went slow and his hold became loose around me indicating that he was fast asleep in my arms.

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