17. Mission Annoy Rajvansh!

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"Rajvansh, quit being lazy and get ready." I pushed him inside his room and he growled before he pinned me to the nearest wall

"Princess, you promised me your evenings but I don't remember any clause that said you can annoy the fuck out of me." He rose his eyebrows but I was too bothered by his scent to even think of a proper reply

"It is the unsaid promise." I grinned and he flushed our bodies together causing me to feel heat rising up in my neck and face while he came to my eye level

"Why are you soo desperate to spend your evening with me?" His eyes narrowed and suspicion reflected on me. I sense wronging. He's doing something wrong?

I initially thought that I would just violate my promise but when in the morning I got to know he tricked me into making the promise because his visit to Delhi was already planned. He fucking had to attend a meeting. I was enraged hence, I decided to make him regret his oversmart move. He lied into making me promise him something.

"I am simply keeping my words. Now, get into something casual." I pushed him away before I gave a stink eye to his business suit

"Soo fucking annoying." I heard him mumble before he stomped inside his room making me grin

"Soo fucking cute." I whispered to myself with a soft smile and wore my shoes while I waited for him to come back, which he did.

"Where do you even plan to take me?" He asked me and I quietly pulled him out with me

"Somewhere no one would suspect a murder." I replied with a grin and he looked at me bored before he hopped onto the passenger seat

"You could have atleast pretended to be scared." I stated while fastening my seatbelt and he did the vice-versa but unlike me, he was quiet yet he passed me a bored look which said Shut-Up-Princess.

I grinned in reply and he rolled his eyes before he rested his head on the headrest with his eyes closed and the urge I felt to run my fingers in his hair had me clutch the steering wheel in a tight grip before I started driving us to the closest and one of the most popular and expensive market of Delhi, Khan Market.

I could have simply walked us there but he looked too tired to walk yet he is going to walk in the market but that doesn't count. There was my school building in it's glory since 1961, Raghubir Singh Junior Modern School. A small smile appeared on my face remembering my school days with my idiots (Nisha and Sharanya), I took a turn.

"Shut up." Rehaan scolded me and I gasped before hitting him on the chest but he caught my hand to prevent the second hit and he intervened our fingers keeping my hand in place

We have been arguing wheather should we eat in his restaurant or my favourite restaurant. Dude is filthy rich. My argument was obviously strong and he ended up dragging me here, so I did not miss a single chance to throw tantrums but the fact that I was not here to make him eat in my favourite restaurant but annoy him and I was successfully accomplishing the mission pleased me to such an indescribable extent

"It was your idea to piss me off." I retorted and he pulled my chair closer to his, the wood made a screeching sound matching my tone and in no time his face came dangerously close to mine making my heart pick up it's pace

"One. One more tantrum and I will show you how easily I can make you apologize for the shit you are giving me as many times as I wish." He whispered softly in my ear and grazed his teeth over my earlobe making me feel like I am on fire, as if heat is caressing my every curve with tenderness

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