33. Her Restlessness.

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"What's your problem!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air to add some melodramatic effect in my frustrated outburst but my bangles made jingling sounds and he scowled.

We have been fighting. Yup. This is fucking normal these days as if it was our daily routine to argue over every single thing which included the other one breathing. A week of our marriage and he's utterly unbearable.

Today his topic of argument was the pillow wall between us. It happens to trouble him in his sleep, liar! Not that, this wall stays till morning, by some magic I am always on his side in his arms every damn morning

"Remove them before you sleep." He ordered and I scoffed
"Bold of you to assume that I would obey." I pulled the pillows between us and he again threw them out of the bed on the floor. Bastard.

"Mr. Rehaan Rajvansh," my voice turned two notches high
"Mrs. Ayesha Agnihotri Rajvansh." He replied using the same tone and mocked my expressions

"I won't sleep with you on the same bed without any wall. You are troublesome." I held my chin high and he leaned forward bringing our faces inches away from one another

"As if you don't start your day being in my arms?" He taunted tipping my chin closer to his mouth and kissed me there but I jerked myself back anyhow what I failed to realise was in an attempt to move away from him, I might fall off the bed and hurt myself

He held me by my waist and we fell back on the bed with my back pressed against the soft mattress and he was on the top of me

"Are you crazy?" He asked but I was busy analysing that stupid vibration of his heartbeats which were accelerated. He gave off the aura of being scared.

"Get off me." I pushed him away and turned my back from him. I hated this man as much I am affected of him, his care and his attempts to pursue me.

Every time he's close to me, my heart flutters with anticipation and that's another important reason for me to stay away from him.

The warmth of our quilt engulfed me and my muscles relaxed however, I feel watched and no money to guess that it's my husband. Creepy arse. I removed the pillow from beneath my head and hugged it to sleep

Three weeks Later

"Princess, where is my file!?"
"Mr. Rajvansh, I am not your wife to know everything about you!" I retorted back but then I realised how stupid it was.

"Really?" He turned around and I combed my fingers through my hair
"Whatever." I mumbled and walked to where he was rummaging

"Which one?" I asked him and he just looked at me in the eye before he told me exactly what he was looking for.

"I am leaving." He said while I was busy looking for his file and I rolled my eyes at his statement

"Good. Never come back." I replied without looking at him
"Oh, you wish." He mocked and I glared at him

"I also wish you were dead but are you? One can at least be happy in her imagination." I shot him a lip tight smile before I tossed his file at him and he caught it

"I am impressed." He appreciated
"I don't need to impress you, keep your mouth shut." I replied in the rudest way possible while I arranged the files back in their place. Fucking kid.

"Princess, now listen to me, will you?" He made me look at him while I looked at him bored

"I have to go out of India for a business meeting.", He placed his file somewhere aside and held my face in his palms while something in my stomach dipped with great intensity

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