15. Convincing.

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"How about you tell me why you are here?" Rehaan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at him who stood there leaning on his desk with his legs crossed and I clasped my hands on my back so that he doesn't see me fiddle with my shirt

"Well, I am leaving for help and I need your Delhi." I let the hastened words out of my throat and I clamped my hand on my mouth

"No! No! No! I mean I am leaving for Delhi and I need your help." I fumbled with my words but he did understand me.

"With what? Booking tickets?" His eyebrows raised and I swear he looked hotter than ever. God! Focus! He is an asshole!

"No." I muttered and his calculating gaze remained fixated at me and I gulped. That's what I meant when I said he doesn't like me, he won't ever because I saw our dynamics change after the moment he dropped me at Sharma's.

We did set some unsaid boundaries related to our proximity in private and also did his behaviour changed since then. My love language might be touch but his proximity is not what I need to know that he likes me but his behaviour tells off many things. I do see through him. More than his texts for food and sleep I do see his discomfort of being around me and that might be the cause of his harsh behaviour.

Rehaan can affect me physically but I don't know why but emotionally all he does is scare me these days. He's different than what he was at first. Stop crushing over him. It's Fucking Harmful! But he's gorgeous. Well looks do matter but personality matters more.

"You know, Delhi is a beautiful place? It is even mesmerizing at some points, so would you like to take a short tour?" I asked him and obviously manipulation was not something that could be done with Rehaan Rajvansh but he did looked amused more than he already was.

"I visited it more than enough times to memorize it, Princess." He dismissed me and I felt my face falling. Asshole it's for your good also.

"I think a short break can do good? I mean, you work soo hard." I pushed harder and the fear of being rejected had me walk out of my spot, unwillingly closer to him because staying still cause more overthinking to me

"I thought I worked smart, unlike you." He taunted and I smiled sheepishly

"Smart work is also energy consuming." I argued and took another step ahead

"Delhi is not any vacation spot, Princess." He retorted and my mouth clicked shut

"It is still good?" My reason was so not convincing to myself that had me cringe. I never tried this hard to convince a man. He smiled at me to the slightest.

"Come here, Princess." He forwarded his hand to me and I blinked at his hand. He was acting soo uncomfortable around me then what happened? I looked up into his eyes and I stepped back instead. He need not to assure me by going off limits.

"It's fine. I know, I make you uncomfortable, I don't even know why I came when I shouldn't have. I will find a way for myself. I am so sorry, I will anyways leave soon and-" I didn't even hear my silly words because I was stressed out at this point.

I had soo much to take care of and his behaviour was pushing me off edge when I also had make sure I don't make him uncomfortable in any way.

"Come here, Princess." He intruppted me with a firmer tone as he continued to hold his hand out for me and I looked into his eyes just to obey his command

"Look I really don't mean to-" I kept my hand in his and he reached for me through his free hand effectively shutting me up when his fingers accidentally caressed my lips

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