6. Pretense?

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"What do you mean he stole her earing?" Aman gasped dramatically eyeing the earing that decided to peek out from my pocket in front of the two Devils. Practically you stole it. She dropped it.

"Who's she?" Kabir asked leaning back on my couch and I looked at them deadpanned
"No one. She dropped it and we didn't meet since then." I explained adjusting my cuffs and Aman smiled smugly

"Exactly, who's she that dropped the earring." He emphasized on knowing her name and I looked at him through the mirror and he was settled on my damn bed. Asshole.

"And you also expect to see her again." Kabir did the same and smirked and I really wanted to pull their hair out of their scalp

"No." I replied in a straight tone
"Yet you are carrying her earing everywhere?" Aman asked grinned and I rubbed my hand over my face

"Are you people-", I was intruppted by a knock on the door
"Come in." Aman permitted and I glared at him

"Good morning, sir. You got a letter this morning." She greeted and kept the envelope on the nearby table
"Ok." I acknowledge and she left when I saw Aman looking at me with his eyes narrow

"Is this a love letter from her?" He asked and my eyes dilated for a second and snapped back but the bastard was fast to catch it

"You were expecting one?" He screeched and strode towards the table but I stayed glued at my place. I am no stupid. The earing in my pocket belongs to a strong headed woman and I am pretty sure she doesn't cherish having me around then a love letter is out of any fucking question.

Aman tore it open held some pictures in his hands
"The fuck is this?" He growled and his face turned pale

"What?" I walked closer to him and he passed me those pictures and I felt rage boiling raw in my chest and I saw red! Fucking Red! Anger blurred my vision as I crushed the photos in my fist. They will regret messing with me.

"Isn't she Ayesha Agnihotri?" Kabir asked and I closely watched her scarlet face matching my red face but contrasting emotions.
"She is." I said low and furious

"Rey, calm down. Take a seat." Aman took the pictures from my hand and I breathed heavier.

"What were you even doing?" Kabir asked examining a picture and I rested on the couch and leaned back with my eyes closed

"I was helping her." I briefed
"And someone shooted your help." Kabir remarked and I growled

"I was actually helping her! I never thought someone would manipulate things!" My voice rose and all I wished was that my room stay like it is.

"If you were helping then why the fuck is her makeup soo out of place and her duppata? What's the case dude?" Aman questioned hopping beside me

"What if she's the one manipulating things?" I heard a mere whisper and my eyes snapped open
"Excuse me?" I wanted to confirm what I heard from Kabir

"I mean, why didn't she readjusted her clothes inside the room but outside infront of cameras." Kabir stated and my vision blackened. If it's you Ayesha, I promise you'll cry, real this time.

"Now please explain." Aman said and I just collected the envelope from the floor and took the pictures from Kabir and strode out stuffing the envelope in my pocket

"Bhai-" I heard Armaan but kept walking till I was inside my car furious

I started the engine but didn't dared to start driving. I rested my head on the headrest and waited for my breathe to become normal. She was scared. She was embarrassed. She was angry. She was defensive. She was thankful. But she wasn't manipulative. Ayesha Agnihotri couldn't be manipulative she was struggling to keep it all to herself. She couldn't be manipulative of something she herself wasn't ready for.

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