16. Pain with No Gain

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I glanced at my wrist watch and then at my mobile phone but there was no trace of Nisha fucking Sharma. She promised me to see me off but she's late. Soo very late!

I frowned and decided to book a cab when her car finally came into my view but I pretended like I never saw her.

"You look like your parents have kicked you out of their house." She commented jumping down from the driver seat and my jaw fell. I got. No apology. No gentleness. But a fucking remark?

I do not actually expect an apology she's my bestfriend for a goddamn reason! Glaring at her I pushed my suitcase in the car trunk while she held it stable for me

"Fuck. You." I seethed on her face and stomped inside the car while I heard her laugh her heart out. Fucking Idiot!

"You looked soo dumb saying that." She commented fastening her seatbelt and I gasped

"You ass! First you made me wait on the road for 30 fucking minutes and now you have the audacity to say that?" I frowned and she grinned sheepishly before driving

The whole ride went off with me freaking out about Rehaan's reaction for my lateness and Nisha kept commenting something over everything I said. Once the tyres of the car halted I literally slipped down from the car but Nisha got me even before the idea of injury crossed my head

"Calm down. He won't eat you." She assured and pulled out my suitcase
"You ass. You are not carrying the clothes you gonna wear in wedding functions, are you?" Nisha questioned and I grinned pulling my suitcase towards myself

"We will discuss this over phone." I tried to escape the situation while she flared her nostrils and looked over my shoulder just for me to see how her body went stiff and breathe laboured

I did what she was doing, looked over my shoulder and the sight was breathtaking. Rehaan Rajvansh indeed look gorgeous in casuals. He wore a simple plain black shirt and jeans while his sleeves were rolled up putting his veins on show while a watch was wrapped around his wrist. God, I just can't die in next ten days, I am still unmarried. I heard Nisha clearing her throat and I looked back at her to find her smirking.

"So, there are chances that he might fuck you?" She asked as we turned to reach Rehaan and I looked at her annoyed

"Why would you ask so?" I asked and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we kept moving while I dragged my suitcase with me

"You are attracted to that man. It's clear.", She whispered softly as if she was telling me a secret but I do know that

"And guess what? You fuck who you find attractive or else why would you even look at him like you want kiss him senseless?" She added and I felt soo hot that I felt like burning

"I do find him attractive but it's not the other way round." I whispered assuring myself more than her but our eyes locked and adoration filled his eyes making my face burn with the same intensity as my body

"Look at him and tell me what does not tell you that he feels beyond attraction for you?" Nisha again asked and nothing proved her wrong

"Stop it! I have to spend ten days with him, alone." I hissed breaking the eye contact with him and my eyes landed on Kabir who wore same outfit as Rehaan but his shirt was white instead. Kabir Rathore, a no nonsense man, no one mess with him, he got the personality of danger yet he slay in the criteria of looks. I noticed his eyes were fixated on Nisha who wore white today and she always slay in white.

White might be my favourite colour but it's Nisha's charm and Sharanya's luck. She wears it when she has to win over something and she does. No doubt she says white is power.

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