14. Embarassing Herself.

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"You Motherfucking Bitch!" Sharanya shouted as soon as we three came out of everyone's earshot and I squinted closer to the very sane Nisha.

Successfully filling up everyone with the story as same as Rehaan's family about my fake dating shit, I was made have my medicine and then all of us engulfed ourselves in deciding the invitation card for Shekhar Bhai's wedding. Till we were done, it was lunch time and I was monitored personally by masi. I am finally alone with them and that's what I dreaded!

"What?" I asked her blinking innocently at her and she flared her nostrils

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Sharanya exclaimed shutting the door with a harsh thud and I smiled sheepishly. Don't provoke the tigress.

"Ayesha, you were supposed to warn him not to come close to you." Nisha whispered bending down to my ear level and I looked up at her for help. I am shorter than Nisha, infact she is the tallest one amongst us, while mine and Sharanya's height varies by straight two inches . I am 5'6 and Sharanya is 5'4 while Nisha is 5'8.

"What did I do?" I asked and she looked up at me with a full blown glare. Don't!

"Bitch it looks nothing fake and all you had is three, three god damn dates!" Sharanya stated showing her three fingers in the air and I pressed my lips together

"It is fake. Everything fake, I promise." I assured myself more than I did to them because it all actually feels real. Focus.

"Ayesha, are you sure?" Nisha asked cupping my face in her hands and I gulped before I held her hands in my hands

"Rehaan Rajvansh is nothing. He just took care of me, maybe out of humanity. I am nothing to him, he's nothing to me. Three dates did nothing to my feelings for him, I also believe he would ever find me bearable." I made myself crystal clear to both of them and Sharanya slumped down on the bed

"Bearable? The way he looks at you, it is clear that you are beyond bearable to him." Sharanya stated and the feeling that his hazel eyes brings in it's awake returned causing me shiver

"Darling, even you let him affect you.", Nisha sat beside Sharanya while I made myself comfortable on the couch farthest to them

"I didn't do that myself. It's just that he's a little too good looking that whenever he nears me I feel conscious of myself. That's it." I argued and they looked at me deadpanned

"Asshole, it's the same." Nisha threw a pillow on me but due to the distance between us I dodged it. That's why I sat here.

"But guys! He's my fake date and nothing else!" I exclaimed annoyed and they flared their respective noses

"Hold yourself and finish this soon because if you both actually let yourselves in this relationship on reality basis you won't be able to turn back even if you wish to.", Nisha  lectured and Sharanya nodded in agreement.

"Ten months is a long time, if you continue this any longer out of time shortage for evidence, you will land in graver problems." Sharanya schooled and I smiled at their worry.

"It will wrap by the time we are done with Shekhar Bhai's wedding." I promised myself and they grinned before literally pouncing on the couch and it shifted back causing all of us shriek

"Are you people mad?!" I shrieked getting up to keep distance with them but they pulled me back on my seat and they cleared their throats teasingly. TF is happening here?

"So, you stayed together last night.", Nisha sang and I looked at her blinking. She was literally asking me break up with the man she's teasing me about. Bipolar bitch!

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