𝘢 𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘣 𝘪𝘯 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 2

Start from the beginning

"Hello?" He placed the phone to his ear and spoke.

"What the fuck Harry, little lamb?" Cali's voice spoke and Harry felt his cheeks turn a bright red.

"Cali what are you doing? I thought this was Y/N's number." Harry asked, confused and embarrassed.

"You think I would give you Y/N's number just like that? She's my friend and I need to know who she's getting herself involved with. You know she told me what you did at the party and even though I find that very admirable it still doesn't eliminate all the other bad things you've done that Oliver has told me all about." Cali rambled, Harry rolling his eyes in return.

Everyone acts as if he's done terrible things but all he's done is get into a couple fights and take drugs...Not bad at all.

"Cali can you just let me speak to Y/N? I wouldn't hurt her and you know that. If Oliver's really told you that much then you'd let me speak to her." Harry sounded slightly desperate.

"I can't." Cali replies after a while.

"What why?"

"Y/N's going through a really hard time at the moment Harry and the last thing she needs is boy problems to worry about." Cali says.

"Hard time as in what?" Harry questions, worried about the girl he's found himself thinking about.

He hears Cali let out a deep breath, "Listen, we're having a gathering at my boyfriend's house tonight. Y/N will be there, she needs the distraction anyway, Oliver's coming too so tell him I invited you."

"And the boy problems?"

"Maybe she needs someone other than me. She seemed to be comfortable around you which is pretty rare for her." Cali mumbles.

"Thank you Cali." Harry says, happy he'll be able to see Y/N again.

"See you later Harry."

Later on, Harry was driving to the party with Oliver. It wasn't a huge house party or anything, it was just a few friends of Oliver's, some he's met and some he has yet to but all he was thinking about was seeing Y/N again.

"Hey Oliver," Ryan came up to them, "Harry good to see you."

There was a small group of people gathered together in the lounge. Harry could already hear the sweet giggles of the girl he had his mind stuck on all week long. He sees Cali who's wearing grey sweatpants and a black bando. She walks over to Oliver and Harry and gives them both a quick hug.

Oliver walks over to everyone else but Cali looks as if she wants to say something, "She's in there with the others. You can talk to her but if I see her cry I won't hesitate to cut your balls off." Cali says like a protective mother and a viscous guard dog mixed together.

Harry walks away with wide eyes and immediately catches sight of the pretty girl h had met just last week. She as a bottle of water in her hand and is smiling with Oliver and Ryan. Harry could tell something was wrong as her smile didn't meet her eyes the way it did when he made her laugh at the party.

Y/N feels someone's eyes on her and looks up to see Harry. She immediately tries to hide her face as it turns red. She hadn't spoken to Harry for a week and she was worried he'd be mad at her.

"So who's ready to watch a scary movie?" Cali says excitedly.

The plan was to watch a marathon of scary movies to finish off the month of October. Y/N hated scary movies but Cali really wanted her to join in.

She gulped down her nerves and found a spot on a seat for two. "May I sit here?" She heard his voice that she hadn't realized she missed so much.

She looks to see Harry's green eyes looking into hers, "Yes." She squeaks.

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