150k Reads New Years Special! Wanderer x Reader

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3rd Person Pov:

"Kuni hurry up and get ready we have to go to the store! I'll get you some unsweetened cookies!" Y/N told their boyfriend in an attempt to at least make him put on his things faster since they only had a few hours to get everything and set it up after as well as cooking

It wouldn't have been late if you guys didn't accidentally trap your car keys inside the car. The car window was opened a bit so you tried to slide you hand through but only half of it got inside, so you guys just decided to call assistance for it.

"Okay okay I'm coming!" Wanderer hurriedly said while putting his things in his coat pocket and walking outside with you

"Sooo who all are we inviting over?" You asked

"The Traveler, Auntie Nahida, Cyno, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Tighnari, Childe-"

"What about the..Shogun?"

"Not ready to see her"

"Okay I understand"

At the store

You and Wanderer were currently down half of the list of things that you needed to get although there was a certain item that you couldn't seem to remember the isle it was in. Wanderer kept asking you which isle it was and each time you were just leading him to isles that didn't even have what you were looking for which started to piss him off.

"Y/N I swear to archons.." Wanderer said while pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"Okay look I'm sorry! I forgot okay?"

"It's..fine, just try to at least remember next time"

You suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to meet one of the store workers.

"Hello! It seemed you guys needed help finding something?"

"Yes please, we're trying so hard to find where the silverware is!"

"Follow me"

You both followed her to isle 6 which was actually the isle that Wanderer first looked at, guess he didn't thoroughly check. When the worker presented you guys to the silverware you could tell that Wanderer's eye was twitching. You thanked the lady and waited for her to walk away before turning back to Wanderer.

"And whose fault is it for not thoroughly checking?"

"Shut up"

"Aaaand we're all set up! At least one person should be here in like 10 minutes, oh also, my family's coming over too" Y/N said to Wanderer

"I actually never met your family before"

"Yeah..sorry about that!"

After 10 minutes you heard the doorbell ring so you got up and answered it, seeing Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei standing at the front.

"Auntie/Uncle  Y/N!" Collei said while running into your arms and hugging you

"Hey Collei! How are you?"

"I'm doing great! How have you and uncle been?"

"We've been doing quite well! Come in come in!" You said as you led all of them inside

Not too long after the rest came and all you guys needed to do was wait for your family.  It took a while but they finally knocked on the door and greeted you.

"Oh my gosh Y/N it's been a while" your mom said, giving you a big hug

"Hey cuz" one of your cousins said, fist bumping you

"Y/N this is your family right?" Wanderer asked

"Oh my gosh Y/N is this your boyfriend?" Your mom asked in shock

"Yes, we've been dating for 10 months now"

"What's your name sunny boy?" Your father asked Wanderer

"Please don't call me that, just call me Kunikuzushi" he said, holding out his hand for your father to shake as to which your father happily did

When everyone was inside your cousins, Childe, Tighnari, Lyney, Lynette and Cyno played card games like Spades, Uno, and others while you, Collei, Wanderer, Nahida, Freminet, Travelers, Paimon, and your youngest cousin played Bingo and other board games. Your parents just talked to their sisters and brothers. Food was also eaten, mainly by Childe and Paimon while Lynette was the main one eating the sweets.

"Paimon stop eating all the food please.." Aether scolded Paimon

"But it's not even that much for Paimon! Paimon can't go home hungry Y'know! Paimon needs a full stomach!"

"Whatever you say Paimon" Aether sighed

"Lynette we talked about this! Please try to keep a healthy and balanced diet!" Lyney told his sister

"No worries, I'll just burn it off"


"Shhh everybody! The countdown is about to start!" Childe said, getting out the glass cups along with the champagne and pouring the champagne into the cups

Childe passed each cup to all of you and stood up excitedly, waiting for the countdown. It didn't take long before the countdown started from ten and went down.


"1!!" Paimon shouted

"Happy New Year!" You all said in sync and clinked your drinks together then took a sip

After all of that you guys just started a karaoke then everyone went home, except for Collei since she wanted to spend a night. You let Collei sleep in the spare room and tucked her into bed.

"Soo..no sex tonight"

"Yeah no first off we need a break from the one on Christmas and also Collei is here"

"And that's why I asked, now, where are my cookies?"

"Stored them in the pantry so no one could take any" you told him while bringing out the small container of unsweetened cookies

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

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