School au Scaramouche x Reader part 2

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Y/N's Pov:

It's been 4 months since you and Scaramouche started dating, he's been a very passive aggressive boyfriend but mostly passive. He bought you a few things and you appreciated it. You guys were a good couple but you came to notice that there was a girl who seemed to have a crush on Scaramouche. Every time she walked past him while you were there she'd give you either a stink eye or side eye, but when it was just Scaramouche there she'd twirl her hair around her finger and start being very flirty with Scaramouche although he wasn't attracted to her and he most DEFINITELY found the hair twirling cringe. The current day you and Scaramouche were meeting for lunch together and you were waiting on the rooftop and after a minute or two he finally showed up.

"Took you long enough"

"It was only about 1-2 minutes"

"Hey I was joking Scaramouche come on you don't gotta take it so serious"

"I know you were joking Y/N, I also was"

"Whateverrr let's just go sit down and eat"

He nods and you both sit down and start eating your food. You were so lost into how amazing the food was that you didn't realize the girl had showed up. Scaramouche gave her a cold glare but she just pushed it aside.

"Scara love, why are you hanging out with her again? Wouldn't it be better to hang out with me instead?"

"First of all don't call me love, second of all only Y/N gets to call me Scara, and third I'd rather hang out with her than you any day"

"But why..I don't get what you see in her she's just a whore she wouldn't love you like I do"

"Did you just call my girlfriend a whore?"

"Yeah so? I can be better if you'd just give me a try"

"Take it back, now."

"But it's true! She wouldn't love you like I do anyways!"

Scaramouche says nothing and instead gets up and slaps the girl. The girl held her cheek in shock and Scaramouche flipped her off.

"I suggest you leave my sight before I get rid of your entire existence and embarrass you in front of everyone"

"But Scara-"


The girl was taken aback at Scaramouche raising his voice but started tearing up and ran away. Scaramouche sighed and sat back down.

"Sorry Y/N"

"Oh it's okay you shouldn't be the one apologizing"

He gives you another nod and you guys went back to eating.

A few hours later

You and Scaramouche were going back home when you stopped and seen the girl again as you both were walking. When she noticed that you both were holding hands she looked angry and walked up to you, then she slapped you.

"It's not fair!! I should be the one with you Scara not that whore!!"


"Give me a chance Scara please!"

Scaramouche was processing what just happened before taking a deep inhale and looking at you, then looking back at the girl. "I'm not supposed to hit a girl, but at this moment I don't care" he says before punching the girl in the stomach. "No Scara let me do it before you get in trouble" you say pushing him out the way lightly. He gives you a thumbs up and after that signal, the girl was on the ground after you were done beating her ass. You and Scaramouche both decided to run away before anyone saw and you guys went back to your house.

"Mom I brought my boyfriend over!"

"Okay sweetie just don't do anything sexual with him"


"I'm just saying!"

You rolled your eyes and dragged him upstairs. When you both arrived at your room you both sat down, thinking about what to do. It took a while but you finally decided to just play some video games with him and he agreed. You both got everything ready and got some snacks before playing the games, and wow Scaramouche was a good gamer. You both stayed up playing games and watching movies then finally you felt tired. You yawned and slowly laid your head on Scaramouche's shoulder then closed your eyes. He took notice and picked you up then put you in bed. He got in bed with you before pulling the covers over you both and cuddling you.

"Goodnight Y/N, I love you"

"I love you too Scara, and goodnight"

You give him a peck on the cheek before you both fall asleep peacefully.

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