Wanderer head canon:Kids

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When you first told him you were pregnant he was hella shocked, although he was happy just didn't show it.

"A mini us? Well that's certainly interesting"

He is most definitely the type to have an attitude with everyone but when it comes down to his kid/kids he's taking care of them and showing niceness to them.

Since he didn't really have a mother figure nor anyone with him when it comes down to his kid he's definitely gonna be a great father figure to them.

Unlike his mom he's actually a good cook, he cooks for his children when he wants to which is like half of the time. Even when you do plan on cooking he'll just move you aside and do it himself but he'll still let you the next day.

If his kid/kids want something he's giving it to them but he's not afraid to say no when he has to, so that kid is not gonna turn out spoiled.

If his kid/kids want to spend time with him he won't refuse.

If they ask for his hat he's gonna refuse in a nice way but soon give in and give it to them.

If you both do get into an argument he'll try to do it somewhere the little one isn't at.

Once again he refuses at first but then likes carrying the kid and giving them piggy back rides.

Decent father overall

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