Jealous Scaramouche x Reader

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Y/N's Pov:
It's been 2 weeks since I've been hanging out with Childe, we've been doing things like going to restaurants, using fireworks, and traveling around. Scaramouche tried to hang out with you on the first day of that week but you told him you were already spending time with Childe, then after that he just kept a bit of a distance after asking again but receiving another decline from you. Towards the end of the second week you've been taking notice and decided to check on Scaramouche. You went to look for Scaramouche and noticed him resting under a sakura tree. As you got closer to him it seemed like he was sleeping so you sat in front of him and look at him. You try tapping him but he doesn't move or open his eyes. You keep tapping him and he wakes up and pushes you.

"Could you stop tapping me? It's annoying"

"Okay but you didn't have to push me"

"Whatever, and why are you here?"

"Do you not want me here?"

"Absolutely not"

"But what did I do? Why are you being so mean right now?"

"That's none of your concern Y/N"

"Are you okay? What's going on?"

He didn't want you to keep asking questions or it'll annoy him. He finally decided to just tell you straight up. It's better to tell you rather than just keep it in.

"Shouldn't you be hanging out with Childe? You left me to go hang out with him"

"Are you serious right now Scara?"

"Don't talk to me"

"All because I've been hanging out with him? Are you jealous or something?"

"That doesn't matter"

"But it does, it matters to me Scara"

"I don't care, go away"

"But Scara...I'm sorry I didn't mean to just leave you alone just to hang out with Childe"

"And yet you did it anyway"

"I'm serious Scara, I'm sorry for just leaving you to hang out with him"

"...Fine I'll accept your stupid apology"

You let out a small yay before hugging him. He was about to push you off but just allowed you to hug him. You move so you're sitting next to him and rest your head on his shoulder. He closes his eyes then opens them and looks up at the sky.

"You know Scara, I don't see why you got jealous"

"I didn't confirm that I was jealous yet but now I am"

"And why is that?"

"Wow you still haven't noticed by now Y/N? Do I really NEED to say it?"


"How about...? No."

":( but Scara.."


"Come on please please please?"

"...Fine, I love you Y/N, you happy now? You got the truth so.."

"Oh I already knew that I just wanted you to say it"

"Fuck you"

"Hehe, but all that aside I love you too Scara"

"Wait rea-"

You cut him off with a passionate kiss. He seemed surprised at first but slowly kissed back, wrapping his arms around your waist as your arms wrap around his neck. The kiss lasted a minute before you guys pulled away. You lay your head on Scara's chest as he strokes your hair softly with his fingers, it felt nice. You then took his hand into his and held it tightly, not wanting to let go. The both of you guys stayed like this until suddenly, Childe showed up unexpectedly. Scaramouche seems to take notice and let's out a low growl, obviously seeming to be kind of mad.

"Why are you here interrupting our peaceful moment?"

"Awww are you guys a couple now?"

"Yes in fact we are"

"Oh cool, well I'll just leave you two love birds to it"

And with that Childe took his leave. You guys finally decided to go back home together and took a shower then changed into your night clothes. Soon enough you guys were in bed, cuddling with each other.

"Goodnight Scara"

"Goodnight Y/N"

You both then went to sleep in each other's arms.

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