💮Fluff Wanderer x Reader

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You and Wanderer were fighting a few enemies that you had encountered on the way back to your place. You try to fight off one half of the enemies and Wanderer is fighting the other half. As you try your best to fight them off you're suddenly grabbed by one of them and knocked back into the wall. Wanderer sees this after fending off his other half and goes to defeat the rest. You feel the side of your arm to find a scratch that looked pretty big but not deep. Wanderer walks up to you and looks at your arm.

"I think we should hurry up home"

"It's okay there's no need to rush it's not that ba-"

Wanderer cuts you off by grabbing your other arm and slowly picking you up to carry you. You start to notice his feet is now lifting off of the ground.

"What the hell..are you flying?!"

"Did you forget I could fly?"

"Oh..yeah I forgot about that.."

"You've gotta be kidding me Y/N"

"Well shit my apologies you grumpy bastard"

"Don't make me drop you"

"Okay fine sorry" you say while you cling onto him.

On your way home it was all just complete awkward silence, that's no fun at all.

"How long until we get there?" You say trying to strike up something to say.

"We're literally almost there Y/N"

"Oh, okay"

Then it fell silent once again. After a bit you guys made your way home and Wanderer carries you inside. You're now placed on the couch while Wanderer goes to get the first aid kit out and walks back towards you with it in his hands. He takes the stuff that he needs out and starts to treat your wound. You're not gonna lie, when he placed the cotton ball that had alcohol on it on your shoulder it stung for only 5 seconds surprisingly, it probably might just be you though. When he got done he led you to your room and watched you lay in bed.

"Be careful next time or you're gonna end up in this state again dumb ass"

"Oh really? Well I apologize for the fact that I was caught off guard"

"Don't get sassy with me again Y/N" he says starting to seem a bit irritated.

You laugh slightly before stopping and thinking for a bit. You knew him for so long, although you've been noticing how he's been treating you kinda differently than the others. We've had a bit of ups and downs and strangely enough sometimes he would apologize for it later on. And sometimes you guys would be in certain places and he would say some things you couldn't quite catch though. Not to mention the fact that even though he wants to seem to not want you to call him Kuni you know he doesn't mind when it came to you. There's a few more things but it gets you curious, curious on why he decides to act that way with you. So finally you decide to ask him.

"Hey Kuni, I've been kinda taking notice on you..and you seem to treat me differently than other people, why is that?"

He stops and looks at you before slowly looking away. He tilts his hat down to cover his face which gets you even more curious than you already were.

"I don't know why you keep feeling the need to call me that, and..I have no idea what you mean by that, I don't treat you differently"

"Yes you do, I've seen it so don't try to lie to me"

He then falls silent, still tilting his hat down. Is it the right time? Maybe it is, but what if you reject him? Though it's better to find out than to keep it in and never know the truth.

"Alright I guess you caught me..but the only reason I do this is because I.."


"....Damnit Y/N, I love you."

You're taken aback by this but not too much because ever since everything that happened to him he's changed he appeared to have such a bad attitude towards everyone and from what you know, he was against human emotions. But then again he did just admit to treating you differently so that's kind of why you weren't that shocked.

"Well? Are you gonna sit there and look stupid or tell me if you love me too or not?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious Y/N if I wasn't I would've never told you"

"Well then..in that case I love you too Kuni"

Did he hear you correctly? You loved him too? But why? He was always mean to others and mean to you but not as much as them. Maybe you still saw the old him, even if he changed he knew you understood why. So that's probably his answer as to why you would still love him after all this.

"So you're not going to kiss me?"

"Why didn't you ask me to then Y/N?"

"Well that's kinda what I was expecting but I guess not"

"Don't speak for me"

He then leans in to kiss you and when you say it felt nice, you mean it. You wanted it to last a longer, but after a minute he pulled away.

"Could I perhaps call you something other than Kuni?"

"Like what?"

"How about...love?"

"That sounds good to me"

I'm sorry this took long I told you guys I would post around 3 but something happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to post the chapter around that time so I apologize to you all. I probably might post around night time again tomorrow because I'm going to be busy and that might be like that for the rest of the the week until Saturday because I have school but when I can and get the time I will post the new oneshot, if you understand that's greatly appreciated and I hope you all have a wonderful night

Your dearest creator-Shela Ledin

Scaramouche x Reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora