Chapter 18 - Game of Secrets

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We're quiet on our way back.

"It's crazy that I've just met you and feel closer to you than anyone else." he says.

"But we barely know anything about eachother." I resist.

"Well, emotionally close, not physically or factually." He responds weirdly nerdily.

"Should we get to know each other 'factually' then?" I mock him, holding in my giggles.

"Hmm, are secrets factual enough?" he ignores my blatant mocking.

I definitely can't reveal some certain secrets... "I guess so." I respond.

"We'll take turns telling each other our secrets" He proposes. "Doesn't matter how big or small the secret is, plus, they don't have to be secrets to everyone. Where you grew up wouldn't be a secret to your parents but it would be for me, get it?" He tries to explain his logic. 'Where I grew up would technically be a secret to my mom after she literally died' I joke in my head. I slightly cringe at myself too.

"We just tell each other secrets? How is that a game?" I complain.

"Okay," he chuckles."Do you remember the way home?" He stops just before we enter town.

"No..." I take a step away from him.

"At every crossroads we see, you'll guess which way home is. If you're right, I'll say a secret of mine, and if you don't, you'll say one of yours." He explains more enthusiastically than he's been since I've known him.

"Is this town even that big..." I mumble lowly before realising that nobody's forcing me to tell the truth- even the fact that I acted so reluctant should be shocking. I feel like I'm losing my old self- I'd hate that.

"Come on (Y/n), don't tell me you're scared." He pullsa voice, trying to tease me, and I actually decide to play along.It's time to get my old self back. I might figure out what the Eruptodon dragon deal is from him and if can find my father and tell him some inside information I just might have a chance at getting let back in at project Shellfire. I miss home even though Raven isn't too bad either.

"Fine, I'll play your game." I tell him. We reach out first crossroads before long. The road carries on downward and splits off into an alleyway. I have to pick between the two... The road is at a downward slope towards the docks, but an alleyway is a risk since not many people use them and I need to get as close to town as I can get.

"There," I finally make my decision, pointing to the alleyway.

I turn to face Raven and he just says "'Kay", raising one eyebrow slightly before letting himself in the alley first. I worry I've made the wrong decision until he speaks up "So... I'm not really close with my dad? I mean, I know where he lives and what he's up to most of the time, but only from general talk floating around. Nothing personal."

"So, gossip? Gods, Raven, you're such a grandpa." I giggle at him, making my way around the tight alleyway.

"Shush it." he tells me (spoken like a true grandpa). "What I was saying was; me and father pretty much only talk once a couple months." He finally gets to the end of the alleyway "And that's only when we run into each other. It's like he pretends I'm not even his son, y'know?" He vents a little bit, walking backwards to face me as I follow him towards another road that split into two.

"That's sad- actually, I might understand. I haven't seen my dad in a while either, it's not the best." I try to comfort him.

"Woah, Y/n! Spilling secrets even before losing? Just that eager to talk to me?" He makes a failed attempt at being cocky.

"Flirts like a grandpa aswell..." I mumble, teasing him. Before he gets to snap back, I pull his attention immediately to the road we've been led into; I could follow this road up or down. "I'm pretty sure town centre was further down, not North." I say inquisitively. I'm talking to myself.

"So we go downhilll?" He asks for clarification. It's almost like he wants me to agree.

"I guess..." I respond reluctantly, but I have no option.

"Well, it's your turn to answer now." He smirks at me, moving his almost black hair out of his eyesight. "That way's a dead end-"

"And if we take the road up we can turn back down sometime along the way, right? I could've guessed that if you had given me more time." I roll my eyes at him and he just smiles goofily.

"I'm waiting..." he brain-nudges me annoyingly.

"Hmm this is really hard for me since I don't have many secrets." I lie in a higher voice than usual, knowing I'll also lie about whatever secret I'm about to make up.

"Really, Grimborn?" He smirks at me, knowing he's caught me off guard. His words pound into my heart. He could snitch on me if I do anything out of line.

"What- What are you talking about?" I stutter involuntarily. I want to melt right into the ground like molten iron right now.

"It's okay if that's how you want to play it, Grimborn." he keeps smirking and I hate it. Hate hate hate it. "Don't worry, darling. I know you're not like that man. You're nothing like him." He whispers just to make me more paranoid, but something in me reacts to his words. He believes I can be more... likeable than father? I feel like he's the first person to expeess that and I kind of appreciate it.

"How can you be so sure?" I decide to ask him.

"It's not everyday I casually meet a 'Grimborn'- especially not one who travels using a dragon hunger sail and wearing armour made of the same material dragon hunter armour is made from, it's saddening you'd think I wasn't fun enough to sneak into the Northern Markets, Y/n" How is he finding any time to joke right now.

"You're good." I say quietly. I see no point in denying anything anymore. I take a couple quick steps to reach him. I grab him by the shoulders and pull him in. "But you don't know the consequences I will face if the word around." I warn him, emphasising the 'I' part. "So please be careful." i soften up.

"Relax, princess, I won't say a thing. I thought I'd already proved my loyalty by now." He teases again.

"And I thougt I'd talk to you anyways." I respond with attitude. "And stop with the nicknames." I warn him once more.

"Or what?" He smirks as if daring me to do something.
I can't let him get suspicious of me, but he might also think this is flirting...

So I swing my axe out and swipe it below his feet stealthily and quickly. He almost loses his balance- but luckily for him, I catch him by his forearm and pull him back up. But when I do, he's too close to my body for my liking.

"Or that." I say, staring into his eyes. He pulls his arm away from my hand and cups my cheek, looking right into my eyes- I realise now how flirty he must think I'm being, and something in me wants to lean up and kiss him but I pull myself away. I don't want to complicate our dynamic- feelings can make people do anything, which includes snitching on a very vulnerable girl.

"Sorry," he mumbles. "I don't know what-"

"No it's fine." I cut him off.

"Well we're close to home. Wanna take a guess where we go from there?" He points to the crossroads ahead of us, and I'm pretty sure I have to pick the one that points more South-West.

I'm glad he hasn't made this awkward.

Against All Odds - Hiccup X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें