Chapter 13 - A Bad Decision

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I can finally make out the outline of the small, sandy island I'm supposed to get to. It's been a long, sleepless night of sailing and the only thing keeping me up is the thought of seeing Heather again.

Steering closer to the island, I scramble around trying to find an anchor. Thankfully I find one below the deck before my ship gets damaged. I really need to switch out the Dragon Hunter sail cloth for a more peaceful one before I get to Eruptodon Island.

I don't notice Heather and her big shiny dragon right on the beach while I'm leaning over the deck, making sure the anchor is grounded. She gets my attention by making Windshear splash me with sea water, which makes me scream and flip around.

I'm relieved when I see Heather behind me; "Heather!" I exclaim, jumping off the ship onto the sand.

She giggles, opening her arms to hug me, of course I run into them.
I open my eyes to come face to face with an annoyed Windshear, squinting her eyes as she watches us hug. I can assume she thinks I'm taking her spot.

I pull away from Heather, she seems content to see me too. "How did it go?" She asks. I know what she means.

"Well, a little rough, but I'm starting to be ready to adjust to a new life." I'm being humble for once.

"Yeah. I know what it's like to be isolated from your family." She pauses for a moment. "Hey, if you want, you can come live at the Edge. I'd have to ask the others of course but I'm sure they'll get used to you in no time." She sounds hopeful. I feel bad turning it down.

"I'm sure it's nice, but I have this plan of living on Eruptodon Island for a while- you know where that it, right?"

"Oh," she pauses, smiling, as if I've brought a thousand memories back to her. "I know that place alright."

"Yeah." I trail off for a moment. "So I'll definitely write to you if that doesn't work out." I offer a warm smile. Windshear scoffs. I didn't even know dragons could do that.

"Right. But promise you'll write for other things as well. I want to know every. Single. Detail." she jokes.

"Don't worry I will. And before I forget- I've brought the stuff you wanted, they're in the lower deck." I mention.

After giving back her belongings, we hug one last time, and I leave. It'll take almost the entire day for me to get there. I can't waste any time.


I find myself having one sided conversations with Squeaky as I check my map once more. I'm bored. Am I even going the right way?

"Is it weird that I didn't tell Raven I was coming? We don't even know each other." I tell Squeaky.
It gives out a short, loud screech.

"Nothing could be more awkward than showing up at my father's sworn enemy's house though. Right?" I'm comforting myself more than the bird. Or dragon. Whatever it is, it stays quiet this time.


The sound of iron chains scratching against the wood of my ship as I anchor down somehow sounds worse than Squeaky's screeching all day.

Here I am. The Eruptodon Island docks, and it's only sunset. I step out of my ship, feeling proud of myself for making it here so early. Squeaky follows.
It's dim outside, almost dark, and I have no idea where Raven stays.

I look up to suddenly be facing a tall woman in an all black outfit with short blonde hair. I have a feeling she isn't going to be very friendly.

"You, dragon hunter, let go of that dragon right now, or I'll have you thrown in prison right this instant." She speaks sternly.

Oh. The dragon hunter sail.

"I said let go of the dragon, lady!" She's getting gradually more aggressive.

"Okay," I comply, stepping away from Squeaky. It stays put, just like I expected. "See, it likes me."

"I've seen your type of hunter before. You hold dragons imprisoned for so long that they forget how to live off their own will." She furrows her brows at me, then takes a step towards Squeaky. "You poor dragon," she tries to reach out for it, but Squeaky screeches at her, flying away from her back into the ship.

The woman is dumbfounded, but turns back to normal in no time. "Get it. And the girl." she tells her men. I know I could fight back easily, but that would only decrease my chances of staying on this island.

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