Chapter 14 - Imprisoned

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I wake up to find myself imprisoned- chains hugging my wrists tight and my axe gone. I stand up to find that I've been stripped of my belt, shoulder pads, and shield aswell. Great.

I try to stand up but I can't without bending slightly. I stand as straight as my chains will let me. Looking around, I notice that there's nothing around except for a little window at the top. The ground and walls are covered in black mud, it looks like tar.

It's not long before a guard approaches the iron bars of my cell. His eyes grow when he sees me awake- how important am I to these people? He walks off quickly and I wonder who he's going to get.
I hope Squeaky didn't fly away- that dragon is my only chance at being released. If Raven doesn't recognise his dragon, my plans of taking temporary shelter here will be ruined.
The guard returns after a short time. This time, there's someone else with him. A tall boy with dark, straight, and messy hair. "Did you bring my Terrible Terror here?" he asks coldly.

"Yes?" I hope this is Raven. "Who are you?" I ask.

"Raven. Squeaky found me. I had to confirm it's you who brought him back before telling Mala- thank you, by the way."

"Yeah, yeah. Can you tell Mala to release me now?" I ask in hurry. He lets out a chuckle.

"I don't know. Would it be rude if I said I find this quite ironic?"

I didn't expect his response. "Depends."

"You'll have to wait and see." He starts walking away, and I know better than to call after him. I let myself sit back down. I didn't expect someone so stubborn...


Just as I am about to drift asleep, footsteps echo through the dungeons, jolting me up. I don't think there's many other people here, I can also guess that this place isn't used very often- it looks like it was built hundreds of years ago! I see Raven first, curious to see who follows behind, I tilt my head. It's Mala.

"I must say this young man here is very convincing." she begins. "If it wasn't for his persuasion, you could've rot away the rest of your life here." She says coldly. I stand up as she brings a heavy-looking rusty key up to a lock on the bars. She shoots a sharp look at Raven, maybe doubting him, or saying 'this better not go wrong', before turning the key.

I look expectantly for my chains to be removed. Mala steps back and Raven pulls the door open. A guard - much stronger and bigger than the last one - walks in with an axe in his hands. I doubt my fate for a second, going over what Mala said to make sure I didn't miss anything. She didn't say anything about being released, is this her solution to not having me 'rot away the rest of my life here'?

A look of fear grows in my eyes as the man's shadow droops over me. He raises his axe. I shoot a fearful look at Mala as to say 'something's wrong here'. This is not really the vibe for an execution. How immoral are these people?

The guard swings his axe down, slicing my chains in half. A wave of relief washes over me- I really thought these guys were going to watch my execution with half-pleasant faces as if this was a regular part of their day.

If Mala- a woman known to promote peace, is willing to do this over a hunter flag, then I understand why my father kept my identity a secret over the years.

"You have limited permission on this island, lady. And if I find out anything displeasing about you- you will be kicked off at once." she declares while the hunter walks out.

I don't say anything. I'm not going to try to get on her good side, since I don't even think I want to stay on this island for very long. And I'm not about to thank a person for not killing me, that's the bare minimum.

She looks back at Raven before leaving after her guard, "Keep an eye on her."

"Yes ma'am." Raven confirms. Great. I'm left with this guy.

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