Chapter 6 - How To Make A Friend

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The giant doors of the food hall creak open, catching me off guard and making me flinch up from the letter I was writing back to the stranger.

It's way past dinner time... Who would even be here right now? Might be a chef or a cleaner, but the kitchen personnel already left a long time ago.

"Hello (y/n), I was hoping to find you here." Oh. It's Viggo. What does he want now?

"Hello," I pause. "Do you need anything?"

He walks all the way across the hall without saying a word and sits down in front of me.
"What are you writing?" He chit-chats.

"Oh, nothing important. Just a diary entry." I babble, lowering the paper down to my lap.
He furrows his brows, he might be onto me.

"Actually, yes. I do need something from you." He ignores my unusual behaviour. "How would you like it if I arranged some activities for you and Heather to partake in?" He asks.
"Like what?" I don't understand what his motive is.
"Like... training sessions, or the extra shifts I recently assigned her."
"Mkay..." I await his reasoning for this.

"This way, you and Heather will... naturally form a bond together. At least that's what you'll make her think- that you're a genuine friend. But really, this is a golden opportunity for you to investigate whatever that's bothering you about her." He offers.

"But you said-" I remember back to the night he told me not to investigate people he trusts.

"I know, I was skeptical at first, but I've changed my mind. I'm sorry, you were right." He cuts me off again. But at least he apologised.

"And... the catch?" I demand. I know he doesn't do favours like this purely out of the good of his heart.

"Yes, the catch." He confirms. "You report back to me everything she tells you. Except for the boy talk, and- whatever else teenage girls talk about when they're alone: anything that doesn't concern me."

I knew he just wanted to use me for something and make it sound like a win-win situation. I'm over the whole Heather thing anyways. I think the training session warmed me up to her, she can actually be cool sometimes. Despite whatever I believe, I know I have to agree to my fathers plans.
I've never really disagreed with him. I think he can switch up horribly when things don't go his way, so I try to make things go his way.

"I could do that."

"Well, what do you think could bring you two closer?" He asks, with a pleased expression.

"How about releasing some dragons for me and Heather to capture?" I suggest; I haven't been dragon hunting in what feels like forever.

"Deal." He agrees after thinking for a while. "But I will not release more than one." I know how protective he is of his dragons until he can get them to Auction Island, so agreeing to potentially lose one is a big sacrifice coming from him.

We decide to put this into action on Tuesday.


I dont train a lot on Sundays, so I finally have alone time to write my letter.

But what do I say?
'Hello I am (y/n). The daughter of a man who is hated by almost every single chief in the archipelago- including yours!
I read your letter even though I knew I wasn't supposed to, but the upside is, you're funny! Let's be best friends!'

No, I'll need to lie about some (if not most) parts of my life.
I'll start drafting...

Before you rip the letter up, I promise this isn't Rosalyn!
Your Terrible Terror, Squeaky, crashed in my village. Don't worry though, I've taken him to the healer, and he's doing well. I also happened to read your letter, it was kind of funny, but I'm sorry Rosalyn's causing you trouble.
I wanted to let you know that Squeaky will be ready to return to you soon.
Feel free to write back!
(Y/n) (L/n)'

Not many people know my name since my father likes to keep my personal information secret, I don't think putting my actual name in the letter would cause any problems.

Although... I don't live in a village, don't have a dragon healer, and I'm not even sure if Squeaky will get better, I need a friend to talk to, and this is the perfect opportunity to make one- even if I'll have to keep it a secret.

And now, all I need is a Terrible Terror (preferably a non-injured one) to deliver the letter. I could check the dragon cages in the lower floors... But how do I nip a dragon without anyone knowing?

Squeaky has been staying in my room for two whole days now- it promised myself that he'd only stay a night! I need to get this sorted out soon.

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