Chapter 11- Rescue Mission Gone Wrong

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Looking out of my window, I try to see the only friend I've made in a very long time for the last time. I don't even know what to feel.

My eyes search for the silver, chunky dragon in the air, but the night sky is covered completely in darkness.
She must be gone... But, what is that? Something bright up on an island catches my eye. Gods! It's Windshear! What is she doing on that cliff?
A green cage answers my question.
This must be Krogan's doing.

I rush out of my room, searching for the cabin where the wooden dinghys are kept. They help travel to land and back since our huge ship can't get close.

I don't know how to get it down to sea, do I launch it off? No, it'd sink. Besides, how would I get down along with it? Jump off?
I finally spot the large mechanism used to lower the dinghys- it was right in front of my eyes this whole time! Panic makes me look like an idiot...


I drag the dinghy out onto the beach so it doesn't drag away with the waves. I then hide it behind a rock large enough to cover it.
I hope nobody's seen me sailing.
Thankfully, I don't have to climb anything to get to the high cliff, there is an easy slope leading to the top.


I wipe the sweat off my forehead- I didn't think hiking up would be this hard. Who made it so steep anyways?
Actually, I should be grateful I don't have to climb up a straight rock instead of complaining.

I finally get to the top, taking a breather with my hands on my knee- I practically ran up here. I feel a sudden force, multiple hands grabbing me, pulling me further out into the cliff top.
They bend my arms behind my back sharply. "OW!" I scream in pain, gaining a mans attention.

"Krogan! Get your men off me!" I yowl. I can sense the cage being right next to me, I just need a better view of it.

"You are absolutely nothing like your reputation." He snarls while I struggle against the hunters. I could've easily defeated one or two, but there are at least four of them.

"You truly are a moron, aren't you?" He sneers in a belittling but sort of humorous tone, like he's won.

"What do you want Krogan?" I struggle. Taking a look at the cages while the hunters calm down. There's not one- but two cages. One containing Heather, and one Windshear. I catch a defeated but hopeful expression from Heather- like she's sorry she dragged me into this but also desperately wants me to save her.

"Nothing much," Krogan teases. "just a simple, running business without traitors." Okay, he really does make it sound like nothing, I was expecting him to ask for my life or something.

"And how am I a traitor exactly?" I ask in a confrontative manner.

"Oh you know exactly how." His nostrils flare with anger.

"Just tell me!" I yell, wanting to see how much he knows before I reveal anything more.

"Gladly." He doesn't sound mad at all anymore, although I can feel it in the air.

"At first, I thought you could've been a great jewel for my business; a free add-on to the alliance. But you, thinking you're so clever enough even to outsmart me, weren't clever at all..." He smirks. My pupils shake. Am I supposed to know what makes me 'not clever at all'?

He slowly raises his arm, holding a thin, almost fluffy object in between his large, bony fingers. I squint my eyes- my quill! I remember using it to distract some hunters while I was switching out the Terrible Terror's, how could I be stupid enough to leave it there?

"That expression suits you very well. You should wear it more often." He chuckles.

"And what does that prove? That birds drop feathers? That ink exists? What are you playing at Krogan?" I try to toughen up a bit.

He gives me a dirty look instead, but starts smiling when he signals something to the hunters with his head. It all becomes clear when they start to drag me towards him, and he moves out the way, revealing the raw cliff.

The closer I'm dragged, the more frequent the thuds of my heart become, and the clearer how high up we are gets. I gulp hard. What was that thing I said about Krogan not wanting my life?

Heather finally calls out once she realises the gravity of the situation; "No! Please! It's my fault! She's done nothing but hate me the whole ti-"

"Enough." Krogan cuts her off. "Watch carefully dear, that'll be you once we're done with her."

My heart drops even more at his words. I struggle against the dirt, trying to create some friction to slow down my inevitable death.
I'm so busy with my own situation that I don't hear what's going on behind until a hunter behind me howls in agony, blasting off to the ground with burns. With some weight lifted off, and the rest of the hunters distracted, I have time to detach my axe from my shield and swing it forwards. Making the hunters flinch off me in a rush.
Two of them run away, throwing themselves into the sea. The other two left cling even harder onto me once they're over the shock of the moment. I can't resist the sudden push, falling to the ground where they start trying to roll me off the cliff. Honestly, when are they gonna give up?

Two more loud blasts are heard- is it Windshear? Is she helping me from the cage?
I realise that it can't be Windshear since the blasts have broken through the cages, freeing both of my friends.

I can't focus on whatever is helping me out- I'm too busy holding the hunters off; sticking my axe wherever they try attacking me in hopes of scaring them off. Despite my efforts, I can feel myself getting closer to the edge bit by bit.

I glance at Heather for a moment, she's already on Windshear, getting ready to fire. I hope she doesn't miss...
As I'm busy making sure the hunter I just knocked off hits the sea and not the beach, a bright light pulls my attention. It was a blast. And it knocked Windshear to the side, launching Heather off the cliff where she is only able to hold on by her fingers. The dragon that broke them out isn't exactly on our side, is it... Great. A dragon that can blast dragon-proof metal. Against us. I have a feeling this is going to be verryyy fun.

Before I know it, the hunter I'd been fighting is also blasted off on his way to meet the last hunter I threw off.
I think I'm it's next victim... I shut my eyes tight. Hmm... what do I want as my last words?

After a few seconds, I open my eyes, wondering whether I'll be faced with Valhalla or an infirmary ceiling. But its neither, the dragon I thought was going to end me has landed on the grass, facing krogan. It roars viciously at Krogan, making him flinch even if he tries to contain himself.
"Now now, dragon." Krogan tries to sound like he's in control of the situation, when in reality, he's begging for mercy.

I observe the situation carefully, and quickly run around behind the dragon to get to Heather. Windshear beats me at it, and rescues her rider. The Razorwhip understandably doesn't look happy with the new, mysterious dragon though, and just as she is about to attack, Heather holds her off, telling her that it's alright. I smile, focusing back on the mysterious dragon. And that's when I realise- it's the dragon I read about in the Book of Dragons. The unnamed sub-species of Night Fury's. It looks so much grander in real life- and scarier.

It's too focused on Krogan right now, so Heather signals to me that we should leave while we have the chance, but I hold my hand up, wanting to wait. There really is a special aura about this dragon that just had a pull on me. Heather scoffs, moving behind me to be able to leave as quickly as possible.

The dragon roars one more time, and Krogan gets his leash out wearily, doing his best to not aggravate the dragon even more.
Moonlight reflects the avaricious, greedy sparkle in his eyes.
I can already imagine him thinking about all the gold he'll make once he's captured this dragon. And I wont let that happen.

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