Chapter 10 - Saving Heather

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She orders Windshear to stop and steps in between us. "Look, you've got this all wrong, whatever you think I did, I can explain, just give me a chance!" she pleads.

"Ask your dragon rider friends." I sneer. I know I'm supposed to be getting along with her so I promise myself that this is the last mean comment I will make to anyone until I can get back to the ship.

"Dragon riders? Friends?" She questions as if I'm delusional for even thinking that. How stupid does this girl think I am? "I'm not one of them, (y/n), you've got me all wrong. I could never be." She sounds convincing, but I know better. But maybe... maybe she isn't lying. It was a very small coincidence I related with a memory that was barely there. I feel bad for attaching an innocent girl. That is, is she is innocent.

"Oh, I believe you. I'm sorry for the stress I've caused." I would apologise no matter what I believed just to get back to the ship, but I'm just going back and forth between seeing her as an enemy and friend.

"I'm glad we worked it out. We should we keep searching for that dragon..." She tries to change the topic, and I let her.


"You're telling me that you couldn't find the dragon I trusted with?" My father sounds mad. He's rarely ever this mad at me. This is a horrible feeling.

"Yes, but-" I try to explain myself.

"There are no buts." The creepy mans (whose name I've found out is Krogan) voice echoes through the meeting room. My father doesn't look happy with Krogan either.

"Do you think it's an easy job trapping dragons? Do you know the lengths we go to?" The man carries on and I hear Johann try to contain his laughter. I'd roll my eyes if the others weren't staring right at me.

"You need to listen-" I make another attempt at clearing my name.

"What? What are you going to say? Are you going to blame Heather? Don't even bother. Please tell me you've at least learned something worth losing a dragon for about her?" Krogan attacks.

"Actually-" I breathe. Just as I'm about to spill all that I know, I think back to the good times I've had with her. It wasn't for too long, but I haven't had that much fun or felt that understood in months. I'm not going to let that go for the approval of an old, weird man.

"Actually no. I haven't." I lie, preparing to be scolded even more.

"I give up." Krogan places two fingers on his left, and his thumb on his right brow bone, resting his head as he closes his eyes. He's so overdramatic.

"For the love of Gods, keep your daughter in line Viggo." Johann adds.

"That's enough." Father cuts both of them off. "I'll deal with her later." And with that, he excuses me out of the room.

I hear Johann shout something about me wasting a creature worth 200 gold as I walk out.I don't know whether out not I should regret my decision...


The next morning, I run into Heather. She looks worried. Her nails are bitten short and she has  darker under-eyes than normal. Her hair is frizzier than yesterday.

"I know you were lying." I say. The realisation in her face is so funny that I can't help laughing.
"Don't worry though, I covered for you." I whisper as we walk through the crowd.

"Oh." I don't think she was expecting that. "Thanks."

"I know it's weird right now, but I thought we could still be... friends?" I ask.

"I'll think about it." the green-eyed girl smiles. Although I have a feeling she'll be gone before giving me an answer. I would leave too if someone knew a secret of mine as big and dangerous as hers.


Krogan interrupts me just as I am about to climb the stairs up to my room. "(Y/n)." His voice sounds scarier in the dark.

"Yes?" I turn around.

"I'm planning on capturing Heather before dawn. I thought I'd inform you myself." There's kind of a sly expression on his face. I act like I don't notice it.
I want to ask why, convince him not to, even beg him not to, but i can't. I can't look bothered. I tell him that it's okay with me nonchalantly. I have to warn Heather.

I go into my room and I make sure Krogan sees it. Now he won't suspect me of anything when heather mysteriously vanishes before he can capture her.
Jumping out of my large window, I try to remember where Heather's room is. It has to be close to Dagur's room.
I go over, and Dagur opens the door all sleepy. He tels me that they stay together, but Heather's not there right now.
He suggests that she might be with Windshear. Good idea. The Razorwhip sleeps in a cage on the deck, close to the training area.
And sure enough, she's there, cleaning Windshear before sleep.

She doesn't see me approaching, so I frighten her a little.
"Krogan knows!" I pant. "He's going to trap you and your dragon before sunrise. You have to get away!" I warn her. Windshear grumbles.
Heather pauses, considering whether this could be a trap or not.
It doesn't take her long to nod affirmatively, and she lets Windshear out of her cage. "Thank you." She says before taking off. I can see the gratitude in her eyes.

I sigh as she flies off, not knowing if I'll ever be able to see her again...

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