Chapter 1 - Suspicions

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I wake up to the sound of waves crashing against Shellfire- the dragon-proof ship my father's been working on for the past couple years.

My room in the ship is smaller than I'd like, but I don't usually complain since I'm barely ever in here.

My bed is placed right below a tiny square window which lets sunlight in really early each morning; it's forced me to form a habit of waking up early- no matter how much I hate it.

I have an average wooden dresser which stands against the wall opposite the door. And the last piece of furniture I own is a square desk facing a big window in the left corner. I could probably fit through it if I wanted, but why on Earth would I want to sneak out? It's not like I'm can have any friends or anything fun to do without my father getting involved down to the smallest details of it...

The inside of the ship is made of dark spruce wood in contrast to the green metal surface of it. The warm wood adds a homely touch in my opinion. I wish the people living in here could also be a little more warm and thoughtful- including me.

I finally get up from my bed, yawning before taking a few steps over to my dresser to pick out some clothes for the day.

I find a sea green shirt with blue swirls embroidered on it, then a pair of silver shoulder pads with skull details.
I pick up a dark blue skirt with metal spikes from the second drawer.

Putting the clothes on, I empty some space in my hands to take a pair of clanky metal boots and oversized bracers the same material as the boots.

My eyes search for my sturdy axe and shield, but after some looking around, I decide I must've left them down in the docks after training yesterday.

Once I complete my small dress-up session, I fiddle around with my hair trying to make it look more presentable. I don't understand how a couple strands of hair can be so stubborn but apparently it can, no matter how much I brush through it it just goes back to being a tangled mess. I give up. I wish my mother was here to help me. Just my luck.

I doubt Heather would be of any help, she's so cold and reserved towards me- actually, she's cold towards everyone. Its like she's hiding something.
I know I sound stupid, but sometimes I can't stop myself myself wondering if she even is on our side- I mean she owns a dragon, that's the biggest indicator of a dragon rider- not hunter.
To make her situation worse, she's never said a single bad word towards a dragon, let alone physically hurting one.
I brush the suspicion off as always, maybe she's just a different type of hunter.

Plus, even if I was suspicious, I wouldn't be able to confront her. I'm not allowed to act in hostility towards anyone my father chooses not to. It's like they don't think I have a brain of my own capable of making decisions for me. I always have to follow a male's decisions. A male's brain. This is what I hate most about working in a field dominated by males, I wish they knew better.

Although, it's not all just male decisions and brain. I feel like my father cares to hear my perspective sometimes. He has a softer side, and not many people get to see it. Hell, I'm his daughter and even I barely see it.

I stop babbling about in my mind and step outside into the balcony overlooking the deck, the freezing weather biting me, making me hyper aware of where ever my skin is exposed. I realise once again how early it is- the sun has barely rose, just enough to shine through my window- and no one is up.

It's just me, the ocean, and the fresh morning air. Not to overlook the screeching loud birds above. There always has to be a contradictory side hasn't there?

The beautifully coated sky reflecting all shades of pink onto the soothing, serene ocean diverts my attention, making me freeze in awe for a few seconds. It really is a blessing to live in harmony with the ocean- except for when we wretchedly take away and imprison the dragons living in it for selfish causes, but we don't talk about that.

Thin rays of sunshine escape the horizon and sparkle gold on the water, making it look straight out of the fairytales my parents used to read me. Everyone should get to experience this at least one in their life-time.

Once the spell my environment has put on me wears off, the grunting and clanking sounds coming from the deck become more apparent to me. Who could be up training at this time?
The more I focus, the clearer the noises become: it's coming from a girl- most likely Heather. Ugh. Not her again.

I wait quietly up here, listening to her in hopes that she starts talking to her dragon like all the moronic dragon lovers do, she might let something out that she doesn't want others to hear- others like me.

I know I can't wait here forever, but why not give it a try? I might be a little too curious (and nosey) for my own good.

After a while of nothing except the usual fighting noises like thumps and grunts, I find myself dazing off and daydreaming while my energy slowly fades, so I finally head down the hard metal sea-green stairs. I catch Heather's eye for a moment before she looks away. Why do I feel like I intimidate her?

"Did you see my axe and shield around here by any chance?" I ask when I've reached an acceptable distance she could hear me from. At least I was hoping so. She stops slashing away at the steel target to pant a "No." without even looking my way.

"Fine." I mutter, deciding to take a look for myself at the shed we use as an unofficial armoury in case anyone needs extra weapons.

As I'm walking through the training area, I feel and hear a whoosh of air from where Heather was. My immediate instinctive reaction is to duck and roll, avoiding the hit.

"I am so sorry!" Heather blurts apologetically "I didn't mean for that, really, I just lost control, and I promise you it won't hap-"

"Really? An accident?" I cut her off harshly.

She looks hurt, maybe a bit rejected and disregarded, but she chooses not to say anything. "Just don't let it happen again." I speak up.

She nods as I start walking away. I feel bad, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings or anything.
I have this whole reputation my father built around me, that I'm tough, cruel, and unforgiving. It's not like I like having to act up to it, but it's not something too complex or troublesome. I've grown to feel sort of neutral about it, and maybe a little disconnected with my emotions as a whole.

Some part of me can't stop telling me that- that maybe the 'accidental' hit wasn't really an accident. Maybe it was an attempt. A failed one at that. A failed, pitiful attempt.
I have to stop my mind wandering any further and forming some sort of hatred for Heather. That would just make me explode in the end, which wouldn't work out for either of us.


Towards the evening, the ship feels completely different than it did in the early morning. It's buzzing with hunters (even if they were a little late to get to work).
My father, Viggo, suggested I check the workers armoury by the hunters' dorms when he got up. Sure enough, my double-sided, sharp axe and shiny round shield painted in blue and green swirls were both sitting there, waiting to be found. Why didn't I check in there sooner?

I came back to the practice area. I practiced for hours until I was drenched in sweat (as usual), hoping to wash my negative thoughts away with a shower.

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