CHAPTER 20: a ray of sunshine through the dark clouds

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I was completely horrified when i saw her eyes filling up with tears. Damn did i do something wrong?

ASIM: hey a-aayat listen to me.. what's wrong?? I-I am sorry if i did anything wrong.

AAYAT: you're s-soo baddd I-I just took care of you that night.. Y-You should've thanked me..
b-but y-you scolded m-me. Y-You didn't even apologize. I-I felt soo sadd


ASIM: aayat.. aayat i am sorry. look at me. I swear i didn't mean to hurt you. See i am apologizing now. I've brought chocolates also for you look!

as soon as i mentioned chocolates she turned towards me. She was still sniffling but had stopped crying. Well chocolates do work for her ig.

AAYAT: really? you brought chocolates for me?

oh that innocent look on her face. she looked like a cute kid.

ASIM: yess look. 

AAYAT: soo mannyyy?? all for me??

ASIM: yeah i didn't know your favorite so.

AAYAT: you don't have to worry i eat all chocolates hehe. *with a wide smile showing all her 32 teeth*
sorry, i get a bit dramatic when I am on my period.

ASIM: that's fine... so am i forgiven?

AAYAT: are you kidding?? you got me chocolates ofcc you are forgiven!

ASIM: that's good I guess.

she nodded her head while stuffing her mouth with chocolate already.

AAYAT: you want one?

ASIM: no you can have it.

AAYAT: you should eat a little sweet. Then you won't always growl. smiling is good you know.

ASIM: I do smile.

AAYAT: i've never seen you smile.

ASIM: I smile very less. That too in front of close people.

AAYAT: can i be close to you then?

ASIM: huh?

AAYAT: let's be friends? 

ASIM: we're married.

AAYAT: but being married isn't everything. We don't know much about each other. How about we play 20 questions.

ASIM: i don't think-

AAYAT: pretty please?

ASIM:  *sigh* okay.

AAYAT: your favorite color?

ASIM: black. what about you?

AAYAT: i have many. black, purple, navy blue etc. etc. ok your turn now.

ASIM: what was your dream?

AAYAT: i wanted to be a genetic scientist.

ASIM: then why are you doing engineering?

AAYAT: to make baba happy.

ASIM: but what about your dream? you married me because of your baba too?

AAYAT: my ultimate dream is to see baba happy. He has struggled a lot in life. I want to see him happy now. and i can do anything for the same. And about marrying you, yes i agreed for baba but i was not forced. my turn now. what are your hobbies?

it hurt when se told she married me to make her baba happy. but then again, i didn't have any rights to be upset. My case wasn't any different either.

ASIM: working. 

AAYAT: that can't be a hobby..!

ASIM: working out at gym? i write shayari sometimes too.

AAYAT: woahh you write shayari?? damn then we'll be good friendss!! i write shayari too..! apart from that i like reading romantic novels, writing stories and love poems etc. etc. I am not too good but i like writing those.

we continued until we reached 20 questions and this girl is really something else. She's not as innocent as she looks. I mean who fights with a lecturer in order to reduce assignments? She also told me she had broken her cousin brother's head with a laptop's charger because he made her angry. She also told me how she and her friends used to eat chips and chocolates during classes. On the whole. She's full of life. completely opposite to me.

AAYAT: you know what. you need experiences in life. not in facing life but being happy. Don't worry now that we're friends i'll teach you how to be happy.

ASIM: were you always this happy?

AAYAT: nope. i was in depression once. But let's keep that for some other time.

ASIM: ugh how are your studies going on?

AAYAT: like shit! istg those professors are burdening us so much. I don't understand anything in electronics and that guy has the audacity to just send a pdf and tell us to read! isn't that ridiculous?

ASIM: well you can come to me if you need help. I've done engineering too. I can handle electronics.

AAYAT: reallyy?? thank you thank you thank you sooo muchh!!

ASIM: you're welcome.

time skip 

after one week.

AAYAT: ouch! why did you flick my forehead?!

ASIM: you've solved it wrong.

AAYAT: you could've told it softly too..!

ASIM: i don't like soft.

she just blushed and i am blank.

(readers... if you know you know lol)

AAYAT: check it now.

ASIM: good. its right now.

AAYAT: thank goodness i am able to understand this topic. Thank you for teaching me!!

ASIM: you're welcome.

AAYAT: ohh by the way.. i forgot to tell you. amma and baba are calling me home for the weekend. ammi said ok. can i go?

ASIM: why are they calling you?

AAYAT: they miss me. Can i go?

ASIM: you don't need my permission. you can go. just inform me before you go.

she nodded with a huge smile but my heart was restless. I was already hating the idea of living without her. Whatever the friendship scheme she had proposed is working out pretty well. We are getting along well now. infact i leave office early just to teach her electronics and see her cute expressions whenever she gets a problem right or whenever she's confused. This is not good. I need to get a hold of myself.

time skip


ASIM: can't you guys do this properly for god's sake?! this is the third time it isn't perfect. What do you guys think why do i pay ya'll if this is how you work. I am giving you one last chance. I need this to be perfect..! now get lost!

EMPLOYEE: s-sorry s-sir we'll do it right.

yeah, this is how i've been since she left today morning. Just the fact that she won't be there at home waiting for me when i go back makes me want to stay away from home. I am missing her. This is not good. 

I sighed and looked at the time. It's late. I should go back home. I took my car keys and finally left for home. As i entered our room, i found it silent and dark. just like my life. How can it not be dark? the only ray of sunshine through this dark cloud is lighting up someone else's house right now. Geez i am getting cheesy. 

Should i call her? No its not a good idea. But i can't stop myself. never mind, I'll just call her.


AAYAT: who's this?

ASIM: its me.

AAYAT: you who? don't you have a name.

ASIM: your husband.

AAYAT: ohh ughh.. its you. umm sorry i didn't have your number.

ASIM: well now you have it. save it.

AAYAT: ohkiee. Why did you call by the way?

ASIM: uhh- that.. yeah about your studies. How are you studying electronics there?

AAYAT: nope i am not studying. I missed amma and baba so much i won't waste time studying. I'll enjoy my weekend here. You give me lessons once i am back.

ASIM: okay. 

AAYAT: did you have dinner?

ASIM: n-no.

AAYAT: why? you never take care of your food intake! i want you to eat something right now!

ASIM: okay chill. I'll eat. did you eat?

AAYAT: yess i did!!

ASIM: umm.. when exactly are you coming back?

AAYAT: whyyyyy??? are you missing me?? (teasing tone)

ASIM: i just asked so that you don't have to compromise on your studies.

AAYAT: ughh okay old man. don't get grumpy. I'll be back the day after tomorrow

ASIM: wait did you just call me old?

AAYAT: alright!! bbyee good nightt!! dream about me..!

saying this she cut the call even before listening to my reply. I just chuckled looking at the phone. Trust me, even i think she's going to take over my dreams tonight. What are you doing to me aayat?





AAKHIR PYAAR HOGAYANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ