"Its nothing."
Thats it?


"How much does this cost?" He pointed to his bandaged arm. Y/N shook her head.
"I don't charge for first aid."

"Why is that?" His blank face had a little frown which could easily go unnoticed.

"Many people here do physical labour and they are poor. They can't afford to pay for the wounds they get on daily basis. So I just made it free." He nodded his head at her answer. There was an awkward silence as no one knew what to say next, both sitting opposite to each other unmoving.

"I would like to return your bottle but its not with me at the moment."

"Its fine. You can keep it. Its just a bottle." Y/N gave him a pursed smile to lessen the tension.

"I don't like to keep things that aren't mine." He looked straight at her. A hue of red suddenly appeared on her cheeks without her consent. The way he looked at her made him sound so.....so...
Ah!! He didn't even say anything flirty. What is wrong with you?

"Then you can just bring it here." She did not pressure him further." Do you feel well? I mean, about the snake-"

"I'm sorry."

She stopped altogether.
What did he just say?

Maybe she was hearing things. Did he apologize to her? And for what? He saw how baffled she looked and continued to speak.
"I'm sorry for lashing out on you that day. I shouldn't have done that." His voice softened a little making her feeling something warm in her chest. His eyelids were lowered, maybe in shame.

Never in her life she expected a man to apologize to a woman. Men had been superior to women in every way and they were never suppose to lower their pride and ego to satisfy a woman's. Even though her father was a kind man, Y/N never witnessed him apologizing to her mother. Even her brother, who was the most brightest and sweetest of all didn't do it. He would rather bring her things that she liked and make up for the things he said or did but never verbally admit that he was in the wrong.

This stranger infront of her was lowering his pride as a man. He didn't just say it, he meant it when he said sorry. His voice gave away the shame he felt upon himself. He, who was a master at maintaining eye contact wasn't able to meet her eyes.
It made her want to cry.

She felt so overwhelmed with heavy emotions that it was hard to speak. Her response might seem exaggerated but only she and other women around her could feel the depth of such a gesture.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" a small pout graced his lips as he looked into his lap.
She suddenly had a strong urge to embrace him. Would that be inappropriate?
Obviously it would be. Don't get carried away in emotion Y/N.

"No. Its okay. I- I forgive you." she choked on her words making him look up at her.

"Are you crying?" his concern melted her even more.

"No- no. I'm not. Its just- nothing. I- I accept your apology." a choked chuckle left her throat.

"No. There must be something. Anything, ask me anything. I'll do it for you. Thats the least I can do to show that I'm actually sorry." he scooted his chair closer to her's.

"Really. Its fine-"

"Say." it sounded more like an order than a request. His stern voice also stopped her from rambling on.

"Ahem. I- I don't have anything in mind, really. Oh!! Yes, I have. Can you- um-"

"It can be anything." he added on, seeing her hesitate.

"Can you help my father in farming? The harvesting needs more labour and we don't have much money to keep people." she hesitantly spoke. What if he doesn't like the idea and gets offended again? She looked closely at his features, trying to catch a frown, some sort of displeasure....anything. 

"I can do that." his response left her surprised.


"Yes. If thats what makes you forgive me."


As they were completely indulged in the conversation, the king's advisor stood outside the shop and closely observed the way Jungkook reacted to the girl. This was weird. Very weird.
It worried Ji ho. Jungkook was kind hearted for sure, but not like this.

The amount of attention he was giving to this lady was concerning.

"Why would you slash your arm just to talk to her again?"


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