The Crown part two

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Jana: Anyway, remember how Scott left the crown at his megabase?

Katherine: He should be more careful, someone could steal it.

Jana: Definitely... (The screen played the clip of Scott coming back from his adventuring and finding out the crown was gone.)

Everyone: Of course.

Jana: Anyway, Gem's rule was that everyone would adopt a bee and make a place for it to live in their empire.

fWhip: I don't think anyone could compete with that giant glass pineapple Scott has in Rivendell.

Everyone: I agree.

Jana: Then she decided to have a pvp competition to see who could rule after her.

Sausage: Yeah, Gem's real good at pvp. (The screen showed the clip of Gem being slain by Katherine and Katherine making her rule to get everyone to help her uncurse her lands.)

Jana: And this was all so inconvenient for Scott but oh so very funny for us. (The screen played the clip of Scott building a bee house and then going to Gem for the crown but finding out that Katherine had it, and then getting dyes and visiting Katherine only to find that she had lost the crown too.)

Shrub: Yeah, if Scott finds out fWhip died too then he'll be so mad.

Scott: Definitely.

Gem: fWhip, you need to stop killing Katherine for the crown.

fWhip: Hey, you're not mad at her for killing you for it.

Gem: That was because it was within the rules.

fWhip: It's within my rules to kill for the crown. I was the one who had the idea in the first place.

Gem: Yeah, well, that time you were participating in her competition and had to play by her rules-

Jana(Interrupting.): Maybe we should move on. (The screen played the clip of Scott going to spawn and getting a goblin child from fWhip.)

Joel: Great, more children?

Joey: Where'd they even come from?

Gem: Those aren't fWhip's, are they?

Jana: Thankfully no. (The screen showed the clip of fWhip finding all the goblin children in Gobland and putting them up for adoption, then him explaining how it would make him rich when they inevitably accidentally dropped them.)

Gem: fWhip, seriously?

fWhip: What? This is for profit.

Joel: This is just like the time Lizzie had us all eat cake just so that we would buy from her cake shop.

Lizzie: But more devious. I wish I had this idea.

Jana: Anyway, after this fWhip decided to make a deep dark tour, which had some interesting results to say the least. (The screen played some clips of the tour from various perspectives until Joel killed fWhip for the crown.)

Gem: fWhip, don't just leave them there!

fWhip(Backing up.): I'm just going to not say anything.

Scott(After Joel killed fWhip.): Do you think Joel would've killed him if fWhip managed to pick up the crown in time? Like, when I passed it to him at Rivendell?

Joel: Probably, why?

Scott: Just wondering.

Jana: Anyway, Joel's rule was that everyone except him would have to use golden tools. And since he had the gold export-

Everyone: Economy. 

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