Joe and Joel's conflicts

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Jana: Anyway, what happened next was that Pirate Joe met Katherine and immediately fell in love with her, although it wasn't really mutual.

Katherine: Wait, she, I, didn't-

Jana: Katherine was too busy trying to figure out how to uncurse her lands to pursue or have time in her life for romance, and she did tell Joey that, but he pretended to not have heard or actually didn't hear.

Katherine: Now that makes more sense.

Shrub: Katherine's a better love choice than Xornoth, too bad she's got issues right now.

Jana: Anyway, Joey, trying to impress her, found out that she was low on gold and decided to steal Joel's.

Joel: Joey!

Joey: What? If I know you, you probably were just flaunting it about and deserved it being stolen.

Jana: No he wasn't it was him overcompensating for the fact that everyone on the server bullied him.. (The screen showed a clip of Joey stealing the Stratos Sphere and Joel finding out about it.) Then Joel kidnapped Sir Piggles as revenge and blew up Joey's ship, the Ender Pearl.

Gem : Poor Joel

Jimmy: Wait, who's Sir Piggles?

Sausage: It's just like Sir Carlos!

Jana: Sir Piggles was this pig ally of Joey's. He helped rescue him when he was drowning after falling off his ship in the Skeletron attack.

Joel: Pirates can't swim.

Joey: Hey!

Shrub: Joel, be nice. Gnomes can't swim either.

Joel: He stole my gold, what do expect me to do about it?!

Jana: Anyway, Joey was getting supplies from Sausage when Sausage accidentally let slip that Shelby got a creeper head, and Joey was the only one who had a channeling trident.

Shrub: Oh.

Joey: Did Shelby-

Jana: Steal from you? Yes. But she was only borrowing, and Joey didn't even notice it was gone anyway. Plus if whe didn't it would have been lost the Joels explosion.(Then she screen showed the clip of Joey finding out that his trident was gone, and Shelby returning it to him after enchanting it with loyalty.)

Katherine: Um, I'm pretty sure stealing is not how you make allies.

Joel: It's that way with pirates apparently.

fWhip: Why did Shelby want a creeper head?

Jana: Sausage had a banner making shop and Shelby went to him to have a banner made for her empire, but he needed a creeper charge pattern.

Sausage: Oh, so I'm good at making banners in that life too?

Jana: I'm pretty sure that's a skill you retain in all your lives. Anyway, Joey went to Stratos and stole Joel's moss and took Sir Piggles back in retaliation, and also put yellow concrete where the stolen gold should have been.

Gem(Dryly.): Is it because he was mocking Joel or because he thought Joel wouldn't know the difference between yellow concrete and his own gold?

Jana: l'm pretty sure it was because Joey didn't know the difference between gold and yellow concrete.

Joey: Hmph!

Jana: Anyway, Joey changed it eventually for one tiny gold block with a note. (The screen showed a picture of it.)

Joel(Protesting.): I'm not short!

Jana: I forgot to mention, God Joel keeps on claiming he's eleven foot tall, but I honestly can't tell if he's joking, although I'm leaning toward him telling the truth.

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