Grumbot and more False

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Jana: Pix never found all the firsts, for your information. But he got almost all of them. Almost. Anyway, other stuff has been happening. Grian built this A.I. called Grumbot at Hermitopia, which he had built in Hermitcraft too. Basically Grumbot can research the multiverse and provide information about other worlds as long as there's a version of Grumbot in that world. He technically has only one sole purpose, and that's to make this hermit named Mumbo mayor of Hermitcraft, but Grian asked Grumbot if he could re-open the rift to send the hermits home, and Grumbot said he could, although he did express some concerns about there being no Mumbo in the Empires world and that he found no purpose here.

Joel: You know, in most movies, it's a dangerous thing when powerful A.I. get existential.

Shrub: Okay, now you're just worrying me.

Gem: You're not the only one.

Katherine: Definitely.

Jana: Well, Grumbot could still make the rift active whether he was getting existential or not. Around this time, Sausage founded the L.O.R.E. team. That stood for Logistics and Observation of the Rift Enigma.

fWhip: Sausage just made it stand for lore on purpose, didn't he?

Jana: Yup.

Sausage: Yeah, that does sound like something I'd do.

Joel: I like it!

Gem(Shaking her head.): Sausage, Sausage, Sausage. (The screen played some clips about the L.O.R.E. team, like the one where Sausage recruited the members and explained his choices, the team investigating Grumbot with Hermes and deciding it was too dangerous, and Pix readying the tnt missile for when Grumbot decided to destroy Empires SMP.) Oh dear.

fWhip: And this is why you should never make powerful A.I. with the capability of destroying the world.

Jana: Anyway, the emperors and empresses became rather protective of the hermits, and they didn't want them to leave.

Katherine: Aw, they miss them already.

Joey: Yes, but they're trying to go home.

Pix: Something tells me some of the emperors are going to take some drastic measures to keep them here.

Jana: Anyway, before I continue on about what the emperors and empresses do about the hermits leaving, I should probably tell you the things that have been happening to False in the meantime. Hermitcraft False has been spying on Empires False trying to see if she showed signs of reverting back to her chaotic nature, while Empires False was slowly getting suspicious from what she heard from the other players of someone who looked just like her.

Shrub: Oh... what's going to happen if they meet?

Gem: Probably nothing good.

Jana: Hermitcraft False found out about Empires False's awkward memory and took advantage of that by building a tower in Cogsmeade using her clone's building style to spy on her better while hoping Empires False wouldn't notice or at least wouldn't think it was weird.

Joel: If that works I will be surprised.

Joey: No one is that thick, right?

Jana: Well, False knows she has a faulty psyche. She did see the tower but assumed she had built it in her sleep like she had done other things that she didn't remember doing.

A couple of people: Oh.

Jana: Then one of her mysterious signs alerted her that she hadn't built it, but that her contributor had. Empires False tried to break in, but when she got close it was like the building was electrifying her.

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