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Jana: And some of the other emperors and empresses found out that things have been happening while they were away.

Katherine: Good things or bad things?

Jana: Well, Scott for one thing came back to Chromia to find all of his roofs were orange, the Chromia banners were replaced by a banner with an orange on it instead, and all the llamas were loose.

Everyone: Wait, what?

Scott: What happened?

Jana: By the way, language.

Scott(Protesting.): But I didn't say anything!

Jana: Well you almost said a bad word when you found the roofs changed so I'm just saying it in advance. Anyway, to explain this we need to backtrack a little. You know how emperors and empresses really like to build taverns?

Everyone: Yeah, relatable.

Jana: Well Scott made a tavern in Chromia and he put a llama wearing an orange carpet named Owen in it as the bartender, but Scott ended up getting complaints from his customers that Owen had been spitting in their drinks and at them.

Shrub: Oh, that'a problem.

Joel: I can't get why Scott likes llamas so much.

Scott: Well, some people have their preferences, Joel.

Jana: Anyway, Scott went to see Shelby about possibly turning Owen human through magic so he wouldn't cause so many inconveniences. (The screen showed the clip of Scott bringing Owen to Shelby and her giving Owen the potion.)

Lizzie: You kissed a llama, Scott?!

Scott: Well all I'm saying is that I'm glad it wasn't a frog.

Joey: And it didn't even work anyway.

Jana: Well, about that... (The screen showed the clip of Scott waking up and finding Owen the human standing over him.)

Shrub: That's a bit unsettling.

Gem: It's just a llama turned human.

fWhip: Yeah, like that's normal.

Joey: Nothing here is normal.

fWhip: Yeah, good point.

Katherine: But it worked, so yay?

Jana: Not quite. While Owen the llama was a bit of a trouble, Owen the human presented some difficulties too. (The screen showed the clip of Scott and Owen going around and getting into a couple skirmishes, and then Scott ultimately deciding to turn Owen back to a llama.)

Joel: Owen the human is very annoying.

Shrub: Yeah, tell me about it.

Sausage: I dunno, he seems fine to me.

Gem(Shaking her head.): Sausage, Sausage, Sausage.

Jana: So anyway, Owen was a llama again. But not for long.

Katherine: What do you mean, not for- oh. (The screen showed the clip of Scott finding out Owen was human again and was the reason all of this happened.) Owen.

Everyone: Oh no/dear. (The screen then played the rest of the clip where Scott managed to convince Owen to leave Chromia and go on an adventure.)

Joel: Well at least that's over with.

Shrub: Yeah, I think I'm permanently traumatized by llamas now.

Lizzie: Honestly, I don't think you'll be the only one.

fWhip: PLSD. Post Llama Stress Disorder.

Sausage: Oh, is that actually a thing?

Gem: Could we stop now?

Pix: Please?

Jana: Anyway, Scott wasn't the only one who came back from Hermitcraft and found out events had occurred in their absence. But before I explain anything more about that, I should catch you up on what's been happening to Shelby. (The screen showed the clip of Shelby finding out that the souls of the gnomes had created the fog of the Evermoore and finding the lost gnome kingdom.)

Shrub(Jumping out of her seat.): But that's- but that's my home! That's where the gnomes used to live! Oh, I've got to go find them!

Jana: I know it's emotional for you, Shrub, but you can't go yet. You're still technically a copy of a soul long transformed called up for a reacting session, and the real you has long since been searching for the lost gnomes.

A couple of people: Um...

Joel: That's a lot of lore.

Lizzie: Understatement.

Jana: Anyway, Shelby made it her goal to help the souls of the gnomes. (The screen showed the clip of Shelby explaining how she'll use gnome magic to put the souls inside wooden bodies to pacify the disturbed spirits.)

Katherine: Yay, everything's turning out okay!

Pix: Except I'm assuming that Shelby was one of the emperors who came back from Hermitcraft and found things had changed and that something will go terribly wrong for her.

Jana: Yes, you're quite right. (The screen showed the clip of Shelby walking into a village and finding the wanted signs.)

Shrub: Oh no! Shelby's still on the run from the Witching World!

Joel: Everything is a Harry Potter reference. (The screen played the clip of Shelby reading the letter from Headmaster Knowls about how they all knew of her deception, and Shelby finding out that she had sculk on her clothes.)

Joey: Sculk...

Katherine: That's the stuff that corrupted Cubfan...

Shrub: What's gonna happen to Shelby? 

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