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Jana: It's empress, fWhip, because you seem to forget that Pearl is female. But anyway, Pearl was replaced in this life by False. (The screen showed a picture of False from Cogsmeade.)

Joey: What's false?

Jana: No, her name is Falsesymmetry. False for short.

Pix: Oh, I get it.

Jana: She lived in this mountainous region where she set up a steampunky village called Cogsmeade and had iron as her export. Her lore is that she's from another world and somehow ended up here, but with no memories from that past world.

Gem: That's odd.

Sanctuary: Yeah, going from one world to another doesn't wipe your memories, just what you're holding usually.

fWhip: Why is she dressed like me?

Jana: She's a steampunk engineer, fWhip, there's not much to choose about wearing when you want to look like you have that profession. Although, funny story about those clothes.

Katherine: Did I make those for her?

Jana: No. (The screen showed the clip of False finding the dead cow and then taking the clothes.)

Katherine: She put on a dead person's clothes?! EW!

Lizzie: It's weird that she put on clothes she just randomly found.

Jana: Okay, I'll admit it, False is kinda crazy, but with good reason. Lore reasons.

Joel: Okay, I get it now.

Lizzie(Giggling.): Lore lore lore. (Then the screen showed the clip of Joel flying over Lizzie's base shouting 'lore lore lore'.) Oh, Joel.

fWhip: And this is the madness you can normally expect from Empires SMP. 

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