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Jana: Anyway, Oli was going to do a singing performance right next to the rift to close the festival, but something odd happened. Again. (The clip showed the part when Oli found the note from Hermitcraft.)

Pix: A note from the other side...

Lizzie: Ooh, suspense and a plot twist!

Gem: Where did that note come from?

Jana: This other minecraft series called Hermitcraft. I can't go too much into detail about that world, but basically they have a portal similar to the rift on their side and were getting curious about where it led. But back to the festival, the emperors and empresses were all pretty freaked out about getting something back this time, and everyone left in a hurry, especially False. (The screen showed the clip of False deciding to move away from Cogsmeade for a while in the opposite direction of the rift.)

fWhip: Well she was rather skittish don't you think?

Shrub: This kind of reminds me of when I fled my homeworld...

Gem: Wait, do you think that the Hermitcraft world was False's original home dimension?

Jana: It was, actually. Anyway, I think I should bring you up to date about what's been happening to False recently. (The screen showed a couple of clips of False having nightmares and weird dreams that felt strangely real to her, sometimes having lapses in her memory, her tendency to sleep for days or weeks at a time, the weird signs, the teleporting pumpkin scarecrow dummy, and waking up to find the clocks decorating her base.)

Sausage: Okay, so this is creeping me out a little.

Shrub: This is creeping me out a lot. It sort of reminds me of when Xornoth used to... you know.

Scott: I can get what you mean.

Gem: I think we all can.

fWhip: False is definitely weird.

Jana: Yeah, I won't disagree with that. But what's weirder is that she doesn't realize she acts weird sometimes. Like sometimes she just does things in her sleep and not judge it when she wakes up, and you know about the putting on a dead person's clothes thing.

Everyone: How could we forget?

Jana: Anyway, False eventually comes back to Cogsmeade, but before that the hermits from Hermitcraft go through the rift. (The screen shows a couple of clips from various perspectives of the emperors and empresses and the hermits reacting to each other.) I should probably introduce you to the hermits. (The screen shows a montage of the hermits in their Empires skins and Jana says their names to them. No one interrupts until Grian comes up.)

Jimmy(Leaping out of his seat.): Ah! No! Not him! I don't want to see Grian on Empires again!

Jana: Jimmy sit back down, and sorry, nothing is stopping Grian from joining, no matter what you think. (Jimmy growled.) Your reaction is actually pretty similar to the reaction of Sheriff Jimmy. (The screen showed Jimmy reacting to Grian coming to Tumbletown. The next interruption was when Gem came up.)

Gem: But that's me...

Scott: Why is Gem an elf?

Jana: Gem's on the Hermitcraft server too. She may have copied you with the elf thing.

Scott(Turning to Gem.): The deer horns too?! Gem, stop copying me!

Gem: Well deer are elven symbolisms now, you can't blame me. (Then False came up.)

Joel: That's False, isn't it?

Jana: She's on Hermitcraft too, as well as Empires, which causes some complications later on. As far as I can tell, Hermitcraft False likes making steampunky builds just like her Empires counterpart.

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